So as the title says, my MSi B450M VDH MAX has four LEDs that show the POST and now I've noticed that the LED for VGA lasts a few seconds longer than it normally does. Otherwise it boots to OS just fine. There a way to fix this, or at least is this an issue or not?
What happened before?
Before this, I was adding two case fans to my PC. Before the 2 fans was applied, it POST expectedly.
What did I test?
While this could be a separate issue altogether, my Display Port got broken during the process so my main monitor is unusuable.
Main Question:
As I've said before, would there be a way to fix this with the given information? And, is this a non-issue or should I be heavily concerned?
PC Specifications:
Motherboard: MSi B450M VDH MAX
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 with a stock Wraith Cooler
RAM: 2x8GB 2666MHz
Case Fans: 5x 120mm Inplay fans
What happened before?
Before this, I was adding two case fans to my PC. Before the 2 fans was applied, it POST expectedly.
What did I test?
- Unplugged the two case fans one at a time. Not the problem, boots just fine but has the same longer POST time.
- Unplugged and Replugged the 8pin. Same result.
- Reseated the GPU altogether. Same result.
While this could be a separate issue altogether, my Display Port got broken during the process so my main monitor is unusuable.
Main Question:
As I've said before, would there be a way to fix this with the given information? And, is this a non-issue or should I be heavily concerned?
PC Specifications:
Motherboard: MSi B450M VDH MAX
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 with a stock Wraith Cooler
RAM: 2x8GB 2666MHz
Case Fans: 5x 120mm Inplay fans