Question PC won't boot up to bios and I can't reset the cmos

Mar 26, 2019
Hello there. Recently I bought a bunch of components for a new pc that I built. I slapped it all together everything worked fine. The pc didn't have a gpu so my friend offered me a cheap price on a gpu that he had lying around. I put in my pc; worked great! I play a certain video game where I change my pc's resolution to 1440x1080. I was trying to figure out how to change it to that resolution. I ended up using a software of some sort. (I link down below) I thought I got it. Then it asked me to restart my pc. However when I did it wouldn't boot up anymore... I researched a some and they all said to reset the cmos. My motherboard doesn't have a jumper for the clr cmos pins, so I grabbed one form another pc I had. I tried resetting it but nothing...

This is all my parts except the case.


This is the gpu that I put in my pc


This is the software I used to change my resolution. Although I don't if it worked cause the pc won't boot up...

I have another pc that I plugged the hdd into and it booted fine so I uninstalled the drivers for the gpu. However it still does not boot to even the bios. I tried removing the gpu and just booting without it but still refuses.
A hard drive or drivers are not necessary to get into the BIOS.
It could be that one of the main components required (motherboard, RAM, CPU) for the system to POST died.

Make sure that when you clear the CMOS (or work iside the PC) you turn PC power off, turn off PSU and unplug the power cord.

I would remove all components and start again from the beginning, and will leave the GPU on the side and see it the system POST.

Try RAM on another slot.
Sigh, just did all of that, took the entire PC apart, left the GPU out and tried to boot, and tried resetting the CMOS with the PSU unplugged and turned off. Tried starting it without ram, moved around ram, tried booting without HDD. Even tried a different GPU from another PC. Also removed the cCPU to make sure it was in the right place and functioning correctly. Nothing, should I just send it to the store?
I don't think its possibly that the any of the parts have failed physically, they're all brand new. Could it be that the cpu was corrupted by the program? Is there anyway to reset a cpu??? (I don't even know if it holds data) Also I tried removing the cpu for ruffly 20 minutes, and then booted but no difference.
I don't think its possibly that the any of the parts have failed physically, they're all brand new.
What do you mean is not possible? Just because something is new, it does not automatically means that is protected from failing.

Also I tried removing the cpu for ruffly 20 minutes, and then booted but no difference.
What do you mean it booted? Did it power on? Where you able to get into the BIOS?
Or it just power on and some fans were spinning.? Can you elaborate.

Did you try both, the iGPU, and the dedicated GPU?
That's true, to clarify I don't think (I don't know) anything physical could have been damaged. I would assume that it would be a software problem, but I don't know maybe one of the components was physically damage. I shouldn't have said booted, it just powered on (fans spinning lights on the motherboard come one ect.), but did not boot. The iGPU is the motherboards internal graphics right? If so yes.