I have seen a plethora of the same topic threads in Tom's recently. Here it happened to me roughly a few weeks back. My PC wouldn't boot up. If I clear COMS it would boot up and after I shut it down, it would not boot again. The fans and lights would come up for a moment and then just go off. I stressed the PSU and the CPU, both are holding fine. PSU voltage regulations are in order. I play some GPU heavy games that stress all of my components but I have never encountered a freeze or BSOD (even under the current circumstances) . Basically, my PC won't boot unless COMS is cleared (I replaced the COMS batt with a brand new one two days ago) Also the boot would initiate only if I press and hold the power button for 2-3 seconds, not just press and release.
a recent finding, oddly enough, once I boot the PC and shut it down and leave the power on, the next time the PC would start like there's no problem at all when I just press and relese the power button ( I also replaced the casing, power buttons ok). This is really confusing. Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you
I have seen a plethora of the same topic threads in Tom's recently. Here it happened to me roughly a few weeks back. My PC wouldn't boot up. If I clear COMS it would boot up and after I shut it down, it would not boot again. The fans and lights would come up for a moment and then just go off. I stressed the PSU and the CPU, both are holding fine. PSU voltage regulations are in order. I play some GPU heavy games that stress all of my components but I have never encountered a freeze or BSOD (even under the current circumstances) . Basically, my PC won't boot unless COMS is cleared (I replaced the COMS batt with a brand new one two days ago) Also the boot would initiate only if I press and hold the power button for 2-3 seconds, not just press and release.
a recent finding, oddly enough, once I boot the PC and shut it down and leave the power on, the next time the PC would start like there's no problem at all when I just press and relese the power button ( I also replaced the casing, power buttons ok). This is really confusing. Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you