If you hear a tick from the psu when you try to start up, this is the breaker in the psu kicking out BECAUSE THERE IS A SHORT IN THE SYSTEM. It could be in the psu itself or in any of the wiring or the motherboard itself. But trust me it is a short. It might be as simple as an unplugged connector from the psu touching some metal somewhere or it could be inside the psu. Good luck finding it. I would start with opening up the PC and just carefully looking for anything that might be causing it. Then you can start hunting it down by the process of elimination. You can disconnect the power plugs to the mother board and shunting the green wire to a black wire in the plug (with it unplugged) and then plugging it in. If the power supply goes on, and stays on, you know that the problem is not in the power supply itself. If you are afraid to do that without better instructions you can google testing psu and finding a video on it.