PCI-E x16 = PCI-E 2.0 ???


Oct 11, 2010
From past experience, as far as i know, when i ran CPU-id and it says x16, it means that its a version 1.0. I upgraded my mobo and now it reads PCI-E x 16 v2.0. so it is pretty accurate. Im sure you got V1.0.

Thats what i think. I bought this bloody system 1,5 year ago, new ! Packard Bell = :cry: :fou:
So accomplishing that ; will a 2.1 card ( XFX 6870 black edition ) give problems here ? I know 2.0 is compatible but not so sure about 2.1.


Oct 11, 2010

Basically all v2.0 and 2.1 are backward compatible, just that you will lose some bandwidth. Whent the motherboard is changed you will see a bumnp in performance by at 10 frames or more. My 4870 had a bottleneck, opened to v2.0 and now getting easy extra 15frames. But yeah, it will work no matter what Version you got.

Enjoy :)
Yeah, i know it will work ( it's allready in ) BUT, i DO have a botlleneck somewhere, FPS never gets higher than 50 - 55 ( also not with older games ) and when i go from one side of the map to another side it has terrible screen tearing issues. With vsync on when i look around the map it will even hang for a split second and then stutters the whole way through, which i didn't have with an older card. Been breaking me head over that problem for about two months now and just thought this could be causing it. I assumed it was a 2.0 system because it bought it 1,5 years ago, but that doesn't seem to be the case. ( feel pretty ripped off now )


Oct 11, 2010
Unfortunately with me being in retail sales for an IT company, basically all entry level boards come with v1.0, which as a prebuilt side from Say HP and the like, dont put big boards in. they try keep the pricing down, which is why it most of the time recommended to build your own box especially when it comes into the Gaming sector.

Sorry to hear that they gave you a box that is now underperforming though. Got a decent card now its time to look at a new build with at least a better mobo.
I will defenitely build my own system next time. This is a piece of crap.
I don't think the tearing issue is because the 1.0 slot anymorebecause ; to make things even more strange, i have just been playing Company of Heroes now ( it's one of my most demanding games ) and with my previous gigabyte 560 TI SOC i had to switch off vsync, AA and put some settings at high in stead of ultra and then i still had those terrible tear problems when looking around. ( really a lot, i was totally fed up with all the stuttering ), now with the 6870 i can use vsync, AA and all settings at ultra and it still runs smooth. Company is a NVidea game and theoraticly the 560 should be faster anyway !!! HOW is this possible ???? Think i'm going mad :pt1cable:
I don't think it's a brand related thing, because before the 560 i had an 465 which didn't have the tear issues and performed better than the 560. Is it possible the 560 is faulty and i should RMA it ?
Sorry i keep asking questions but i really don't get it and starting to get a big headache from it.
Oh, i forgot one thing ; when i play the game it's not full size anymore. ( it was with the 465 and 560 ) It should be a centimeter bigger to fill up the screen. Game and monitor settings are 1920x1080. When i use-alt tab and go back again to the game it becomes full screen, but windowed by the task bar from windows. When i push the full screen button it goes black for a sec and then is smaller again.
I had to use the scaling option in catalyst and use overscan to make the screensize fit when i started with this card, so i suppose the game switches that catalyst setting off ? Anybody knows how i can solve that ?


Oct 11, 2010
Im gonna ask a really stupid question tho, what connection are you using on the monitor? I pressume you are using the HDMI if you are using the overscan. But i would say to get full size instead of Windowed mode, press Alt + Enter changes to full screen. But ingame the screen should automatically fit to the overscan size. :heink: Regards to the Tearing, what is the refresh rate on the monitor? Otherwise if that does not come right, i will speak to one of my techies that has Crossfire setup and maybe he can help out as well.
Yep, hdmi. And i'm pretty sure it has to do with the game not using the overscan from catalyst ; it's exactly the same size i had with the desktop size before i used overscan.
I have a dvi to hdmi converter cable, i'll try that later on, see if it makes a difference.
Refresh rate is 60 hz BUT, i took a look at my monitor info screen when playing Company and then it was 50hz ??? Anyway, i'm so happy as a child being able to play without that horrible tearing stuff again. Would be nice though to play at full screen.
Btw using alt enter to go back at the game full screen makes no difference, still the same.
Euh . . .guys, i'm even more puzzeld now.
Got this reply on the motherboard section and i think this guy is right actually ?

"Easy ;

look at the chipset, H57 right?

go to intel or wiki and search for the H57 chipset and it tells you it supports pcie 2.0 so... pcie 2.0 it is.

Just to make sure. Download cpu-z and confirm your mobo has H57 chipset."

I have a H57 so it is probably 2.0.
Really confused about CpuidZ now. :(


Oct 11, 2010
Sorry to have taken so long on the reply, I spoke to my techy, and he has suggest 3 things that could be the possible cause to what you are experiencing with slow down or twitchy screen thing that you had.

1: Check the power supply, what can happen is that the power supply might be underpowering the card when it needs the extra power, therefore slowing the card down.

2: Uninstall all AMD drivers, and Download and install the latest drivers.

3: Check the chassis for fans, if the chassis is not well ventilated it might cause over heating, in turn of that, it slows the card down.

Check on those,

Regarding the chipset, i will check that out for in the morning on one of my price lists, to make sure on the PCI-e v2.0 or V1.0, and will post back up on here. In the mean time, try those 3 things that i posted above, and see what comes out of it.

My current feeling is the Power supply and the heat inside the Chassis. But install latest drivers so that gets pulled off the list.

Let me know.


Oct 11, 2010
Oh and a quick one, is that the PC that you have on the link you posted??? Can you also check on the motherboard and give a model number for the board, usually big white writing, or sometimes very small, if you can get that, it would greatly help.
Yes it is the pb ipower x3.0, Dutch version but i think it's the same as the UK one. ( model is ipower g5800 )
Power supply ; coolermaster gx750. Rest ; 8G ram 1233, i7 870 2,9ghz, syncmaster bx2250 1920x1080.
Cpuidz says my mobo is an AMI p01-a3, didn't have a look inside though. Maybe i'll do that tomorrow with daylight.
Never had old Amd drivers because there were no win 7 drivers on cd, had to download from xfx to get the thing started. Did clean old nvidea drivers with driversweeper.
Temps are round 60-65 when playing, so no problem there i think. With the 560 it went up to 75-85, with the fans blowing pretty hard. ( at +85 it often crashed )

To add up to the mystery ; i said that Company of Heroes doesn't have the tearing problem anymore with the 6870, but an other favourite of mine, Rise of Legends still has that problem, so no improvemnt there. :pfff: Why, why, why ?

Btw CoffeeDrinker ; really appreciate your afford, curiuos what the list will say then.
Yeah, i was figuring that out also. Specially because the tearing problems obviously are not because of the pcie type. ( because Company of Heroes plays better then ever before with the 2.1 card ) ( but why isn't Rise of Legends doing better ??? ) Still, because i've been trying to find out what it is for a long time and others to, i still really would like to have confirmation of the version, altough i believe it's a 2.0.


Oct 11, 2010

Went checking out on the power supply, i found that the power supply is a 500w at peak, but 450 on max wattage.

The graphics card requires a minimum power supply unit of 500w, have you maybe got a bigger power supply maybe like a 600w or so, sometimes just working within required is not so good as it could put strain on the power supply itself. See if you can test with a different power supply.

Another question, seems like we ironing out everything, lol. How many fans have you got inside the box?? even if the card only gets to that temp, the ambient temp inside might be a little to high,

Also download GPU-z and check with that regarding Graphics card. Also gives a big break down on GPU clock etc.

Still checking out motherboards for you, will get back to you on that.

Cheers for now.


Oct 11, 2010
Just checking on the motherboard, the number given is a BIOS version, hmmmm, so PB dont like putting model numbers on the boards. Can you try open up and check on the Motherboard mother number. Lets hope that this helps.