1) pretty looking but won't stay on my lap, so at best it's a desktop replacement, not a netbook/notebook.
2) same price class as a MacBook Air but, 700MHz slower CPU, slower RAM, Slower system bus, and no descrete graphics, no 1080p playback support, and about 2 hours less battery (under "ideal lab cobnditions" to get yo 5 hours compared to Apple's 5 hours of "wireless productivity" and even that's with the optional extended battery that raises the price of the dell, and its weight and bulk further), oh, and even with the slim battery it's still HEAVIER than the Air...
Fact is, shaving a few tenths of a milimeter is irrelevent. Shaving weight might have been on value, but it didn't, its heavier... making it run for hours and hours on a lightweight bettery would be useful, but the Air already matches it;s performance, and a removable battery with 5+ hours of life isn't really something anyone would use (find me a true heavy user who works for more than 5 hours concurrently in places where a power strip can not be found for 30 minutes, and if you do I'll show you someone carrying 2 batteries but one of them is allways dead because they forgot to swap them to charge the other).
If you can make it run longer at the same performance we'd have a comparrison, but it;s WAY slower.
If it had lots more features, Dell might have had a chance, but no it has even fewer ports than the Air...
If it was significantly cheaper yet ultra light and in the NOTEbook not NETbook segment that'd have a chance, but no, it's actually about the same price for so much less.
It's beuaty is all form, no function...
The Air is a complete notebook, including for playing games and watching video in full HD or working with dual screens. It's lighter, MUCH more powerful, actually offers MORE customizartion options, in the field will run longer on a bettery (especially compared to the default 3 hour battery on the Adamo), and it runs 2 OS instead of one (and comes with a Pro version of an OS, not home premium...), and all for about the same price ($250 less if an SDD doesn't matter to you, and on a low pwerfoqamncen system like the Adamo, it matters naught for speed).