Pentium 4 extra core?


Jun 16, 2009
So I have a Pentium 4 2.8GHz processor in my PC, with 1GB of RAM and a 120GB HDD. The thing is, my computer has been running a little slow lately, so I was wondering what stores would sell me an extra core, and would this be difficult to install? Cause my friends said duo core is good. Thanks in advance,
you would need the following

new motherboard
new video card
new ram
new processor
new case

a new friend to install them

it would be cheaper to buy a new computer.

unfortunately pentium 4 was good but not no more is more like what you should be calling your self
Am confused, why do I need to buy all of that new stuff? (graphics card, etc.) I just want to make my processor better by adding a second core.
And wtf is troll? Are you calling me stupid?
nom nom nom

You can't really add a core to an existing processor, you would need to purchase another one.

Unfortunately if you wanted to buy a processor that would be worth buying, you would need to upgrade the motherboard because of the socket. If you upgrade the motherboard you will need to replace the ram, because motherboard that support the newer sockets would take DDR2 or DDR3 ram. If you upgrade the motherboard then you would need to upgrade the video card because changes are you would need a PCI-E not an AGP.....

uhhh.. long story short....

For a new processor, you need a new Motherboard. However getting a new motherboard would force you into getting a whole new everything else.

You can not add an extra core like adding adding a extra sweet to a bag of sweets.

Intel Produced Core 2 Duo for this purpose.

Quad core is the way forward for when Windows 7 comes out and its Hyperthreading compatible which means it the processor ( in Intels i7 case ) with work better with the new Windows 7 as it uses a virtual core to effectively fool the OS in to having double the cores - it transfers a 4 core to a 8 core virtually.

Also you will find a great performance leap when upgrading your current machine to newer technology.

AGP has a slower bandwith as does the board, the processor, the hard disk and the ram. Hence it would be cheaper to start again.

I have discovered your discovery and going to the patent office right now to discover what i havent discovered yet but will it soon discover soon,

Now if i can just get the silver cotton in to the supa doopa sowing machine I cant sell it on to the highest bidder..

A troll is not someone who is stupid..

Google the word Troll and youll find out..
:lol: :lol: :lol:

This thread is amusing to say the least. Anyway the thing is, your computer is pretty old. P4s have been out of production for some time so you're not going to get a new one for your system at a reasonable price. First of all, without knowing all of your specs (especially on your motherboard) we don't know if your motherboard will even accept a faster CPU. For one, we don't know if it's socket 478, or LGA 775. If your board is 478 then your choices are pretty limited. If it's LGA 775 then your choices will depend on BIOS updates from your motherboard maker. If the board accepts dual core Pentiums then you could probably get on on eBay.

If your board is 478 though there isn't much hope. Any CPU for such a board that would provide a significant increase (like a 3.4 EE northwood), is hard to fine and probably costs more than a cheap AM2 motherboard/CPU/RAM combo which would be much faster.

You can't honestly think that the sewing machine comment was serious...

it was a sowing machine i just missed a e off the end on purpose

hence so winge machine but then again no one got that either. oh well back to rednecking me cousin or something
Well, you can't use a normal sewing machine and for the thread you have to use special stuff as well. It's kind of like soldering or welding wire, but much thinner and stronger.