Question Pentium G4560 Kaby Lake or an i5-6600K ?


Jan 27, 2022
Hi all,

I've just bought a desktop PC for my kid. It came with a G4560 processor, and based on benchmarks it is easily beaten by a 6600K. I have an old 6600K lying around, together with an Hyper EVO 212 cooler. Should I swap before I set up the computer? The computer will mainly be used for light gaming to test if the kid enjoys it. Is it worth it, or will it not impact anything much? It comes with an RX 480 GPU, 8GB RAM and an M.2 SSD installed. I can also install more RAM if that is smart. I assume both processors are too old for Windows 11?

Any and all inputs are appreciated.

Have a nice day.

Best regards,

It will support it. Check BIOS revision for need to update before changing anything out.

Cannot do supported W11.

A 6600K and 480 should be quite balanced for older gaming. Keep in mind that a modern console will soundly whip this systems performance, but other aspects of a PC like productivity and other forms of entertainment are of consideration. I still use a 6600 (non K) and 750ti as a streaming system for a "not smart" TV. Correction- I recently used, lol I swapped that system just before Christmas. Been a weird holiday this year.
I think I would test out the new pc as is first.
Any problems will affect future decisions.
I would not think the performance difference with the G5460 would be very great, excepting for multithreaded batch type apps.

The potential problem with using 6600K as a comparison is that you do not know if the 6600K was overclocked.

If your 8gb of ram is two 4gb sticks, you will need to replace with a 2 x 8gb kit.
Or, more likely, you have a single 8gb stick in which case adding another 8gb will get you a performance boost via dual channel operation.
Mismatched ram is not guaranteed to work so I would spend a bit more for a true 2 stick kit of 2 x 8gb. About $30.

Installing the 6600K is a good idea. Do so before turning over the pc or you may never get it back.
Verify that the height of a hyper212 will be ok for the case.