Wow what a cool answer my friend, lots of lovely info!.
The generic fans shown in that Pink Floyd graph thingy-me-bob aren't the Corsair fans are they?, just bog standard cheapo's right?...I wonder how the Corsair triangle would look, a big old boy I'd guess!.
The first thing is that I was actually intending to run the fans at full all the time, I find fan noise hypnotic and relaxing, and I was led to believe that 4mm/H20 was per fan, I will try to find out.
I have a load of really quiet fans which are Arctic Cooling F12's, I've mailed the company to try and find out the static pressure rating because
all I can find is "they have good static pressure" which is not very helpful when putting a system together or buying components. But I did my not very scientific tissue test last night, I fold a square of toilet tissue up into four and place it on top of the radiator with two different fans underneath, the F12's just sat there occasionally jiggling a bit, and the Stock Corsair ones it blew it straight off, indicating to me at least that you do need high power fans to effectively move air through the radiator grill. If the corsair ones are actually only 2mm/H20 the fans you listed would be a very good option. More specifically the Akasa Apache
Don't get me wrong I'm not opposed to changing the fans or buying new ones all over again, I just want the best performing fans for the job, ideally yes the quieter the better.
I will also be using a shroud mainly to reduce the noise the fans make.
Oh and my fans would be pushing the air not pulling, I might add pull ones though if there's space and it makes a difference to the performance.