Performance issues...


Jul 8, 2004
I just recently bought a new graphics card, a GeForce FX5900XT, to replace my aging GeForce 2. When I put it in, I ran into a few problems. First was, I didn't notice the four-pin power connector on the end of the card (similiar to the power connections for hard drives). I hadn't plugged that in. Furthermore, my power supply wasn't powerful enough to handle the card even if I had plugged it in, since it was only 200W and it required a minimum of 250W total system power.

Anyway, I got the card installed (without connecting it to the power source, by accident) and my machine runs. After a reboot or two to allow Windows and the nVidia drivers to fully recognize the card, I get a message on my screen informing me that the card is not recieving enough power and so it will be automatically scaling back the performace of the card to avoid any system crashes/lockups/meltdowns. That was good at the time.

Now it seems to be a big problem. I have since gotten a new power supply (350W) and I have plugged the card in. The performance has not improved in the slightest, and in some games it performs WORSE than my GeForce2 did. I need some serious help here before I throw the thing out the window thinking I wasted $170.

Other system specs:
P4 1.5 GHz
768 MB PC133 RAM
AGP 4x slot

Any sugggestions on how I could remedy this problem would be greatly appreciated. I have already tried reinstalling the drivers and it hasn't worked.

Thanks in advance.


Feb 7, 2003
Ok, what is the manufacturer of the PSU? Also, what drivers did you install with the new card? You should have the 5x.xx drivers, as these are made for the FX series. As far as performance, a P4 with PC133 memory is going to hurt performance. In order to get the full performance of that video card, you will need a P4 with 2.4 Ghz+ with some DDR memory. What games are you trying to run?


Mar 2, 2003
before doing anything else, I would recommend a reformat and start fresh. If you're still not getting your expected performance, then write back.


Oct 29, 2002
your P4 1.5ghz, especially with SDram , is not goign to have enough power to drive that FX5900

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Also if you have any apps that came with your vid card to check the clock speed and OC(i got a leadtek come with WInFox2k)check and make sure youre clock speed arent stucked real low suppose to be 425/850 I think...
Make a clean install like mentionned above always good.

And finnaly flash your bios to a 5950Ultra =)

Asus P4P800DX, P4C 2.6ghz@3.25ghz, 2X512 OCZ PC4000 3-3-3-8, Leadtek FX5900 w/ FX5950U bios@500/1000, 2X30gig Raid0


Jul 8, 2004
I've tested the card on R6-3: Raven Shield, UT2004 Demo, and Battlefield: 1942. In RS and UT2004, I'm pulling about 20 FPS when the action heats up. In BF:1942, a quite dated game, it's practically unplayable, running at 10-15 FPS, and dips into the single digits when I get into the thick of things on multiplayer servers.

*sigh* I was hoping I wouldn't have to try wiping everything, but I will.

I downloaded the latest driver pack from nVidia's website - 56.72.

I bought the card knowing that my mobo and processor wouldn't be able to push it to the max it's capable of. I plan on a more extensive upgrade of my mobo, processor, and memory much later this year when I have the money (cash-strapped college student here...). However, I was getting better frame rates with my GeForce2, and that's just not right.

Thanks for your suggestions and quick replies. I'll be back if things still aren't right. If I can't get the thing working by this weekend, I'll just be sending the card back and getting not just a drastic upgrade. I hope I won't have to.

Thanks again.


Oct 29, 2002
However, I was getting better frame rates with my GeForce2, and that's just not right.

well yea thats wierd , and should not be happening

now go format! and done come back until you are finished! bish

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Former Staff
You might still have power issues.

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