Performance problem/ Possible upgrade?

Erik Poerksen

Sep 9, 2014
I have a computer that I built from parts I purchased online, over a longer period of time I have changed parts out to keep it up to date. My problem, or problems, is that I am having performance issues in games. My build is as follows:

Now I suspect that it may be a driver-based issued with my GPU as I tried using drivesweeper to clear old GPU drivers and then installed the latest drivers from AMD's website and, for a while, the performance was boosted insanely, I used to be getting fluctuating FPS in WoW of 30-50ish FPS and when I installed the new drivers I was getting, in the same area and with the same game settings, around 60-80 fps. However this only lasted shortly, now im back to where i was before. My question, then, is wether this is a driver-based problem from AMD's side, a form of incompatability with WoW (hardware/driver wise), a hardware problem with my card or something entirely different like problems with other components. I bought this GPU (and the other components in my PC) to be able to play most games (especially WoW) on highest settings with 60ish FPS. Now I understand my build isn't going to run Crysis 3 Ultra settings maxed on FPS, that is by no means my intention, but given the age of Wow, I was hoping that I'd atleast be able to max out my FPS there with ultra settings.
Does anyone have any experience with similar cases, could it be a problem from XFX? I heard something about the XFX 7950 DD Black Edition running hot(not that i've experienced it), is this kind of thing common with AMD/XFX cards?
If i am forced to upgrade, which cards could u recommend that would do the job that I described? It's a lot of money, and my card isnt THAT bad, so i would prefer to not dish out that much money if at all possible.
Also, I started noticing that my computer sometimes on start-up doesnt go to bios, it just turns on, you can hear the fans making noise then it turns off and boots up again and repeats. Happens maybe like 1 in 8 times and can usually be fixed by turning off the pc at the back on the PSU, waiting for it to power cycle then turning it on. Anyone know what this could be?
Ya, your temps look good....

I really think the 970 are all pretty much the same now, can't go too much wrong with GB, MSI, EVGA or ASUS, perhaps the one on sale or rebate, the cheapest. There are many at the same price, EVGA has great customer support.
Your rig looks fine, the driver issue is strange as you described it, it just starts to slow down after a while from ~70 to ~40. It could be a heat problem in the 7950 throttling itself down perhaps, how hot is it running? Or maybe a PS problem, those 2 would be my first guesses.

If you decide to replace the 7950, the new 970 seems to be the best deal going today for what you want to run, it uses very little power and may help with the boot problem if your PS is getting flaky.

Played a BG while monitoring temp via corsair link, the temperature seems to be pretty constant at the early 60s, so that really shouldn't be a problem. The fps was not too bad here but still jumps quite a lot (tried without V-sync and it was jumping a whole lot, enabled V-sync and it was still jumping albeit a little less).
In the case of the 970, which ones could u recommend? I may or may not upgrade, but will depend on what the cost is.

Ya, your temps look good....

I really think the 970 are all pretty much the same now, can't go too much wrong with GB, MSI, EVGA or ASUS, perhaps the one on sale or rebate, the cheapest. There are many at the same price, EVGA has great customer support.

Motherboard BIOS or GPU bios? Honestly haven't updated the Motherboard one in a long time, and the GPU BIOS i've only ever installed the catalyst suite/drivers

Went with the 970 from Asus, tired of poor performance on my old card :)
Good deal, you should see some nice performance improvements over your 7950. Perhaps post back if this helped your problems you were having with post and consistent FPS when playing over a period of time if you could. I hope it takes care of them for you, if not I would be looking at your PS or MB BIOS as Vic40 brought up as a possible problem. Also thanks for the BestSolution on my post, was not expecting that, very kind of you :)