Do people really care that much about T4 since it took forever and a day to come out ever since Nvidia started their hype machine about it? I might care more about it if really ended up being the mobile SoC killer. But alas, it mostly matches qualcomm's S800, which makes it look pretty lackluster given all the Nvhype.
Regarding the resolution: I for one couldn't care less about super high pixel density panels in tablets. I'd much rather have a lower res screen and better battery life. To my eye, the difference between 720p and 1080p on a tablet screen is imperceptible.
I also couldn't care less about styluses on tablets. I hate to point to something that Steve Jobs said in a talk as something I admire, but he was right: styluses for mobile devices is stupidly dumb. Yes, there will be people who respond to this saying that they love their stylus--and I'm cool with that. I just wouldn't waste R&D money on a piece of tech that so few people would actually care about.
Still, I don't think NV will release a tablet of their own. I imagine they'll debut this device as some device manufactured by someone else, but the first commercially available tablet using the T4. My guess it'll be a joint announcement with whatever hardware partner they're going with. I think this is just leaks of their reference design unit. Didn't they have a T4 tablet on display at CES or something like that? Then again, I could be wrong.