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"Stanos Herkanor" <> wrote in message
> "louis vincze jr" <> wrote in message
>> Where's a good place for a level 10 rogue to skill up on picking locks?
> I'm
>> a little too low to go to Befallen.
>> Thanks!
>> Heetmiser - Level 10 Rogue
>> Stromm
> The locked entrance to Paineel is safe. There's also a locked door in
> East
> Freeport in the basement of a building called Hallar's Resale. (By the
> way,
> you pick your way into this door and you can start the Burning Rapier
> quest.
> Once you're somewhat near 200,
> you
> can try picking the lock in the bank of North Freeport.
Here speaking for the family Bard.
Bards used to be allowed to train in Pick Lock at level 40. Now young Bards
automatically train in the skill at level 10. As our level was between
those two levels, it did not come to our attention until one of the Newbies
mentioned it. So, off went the Bard to practice.
He stationed himself underwater in Paineel at the rock leading to The Hole.
And now his skill is 117, which seems to be the trivial on that lock.
He cannot find the correct door upon which to practice in Befallen... Down
the broad steps he went and to the left there is a door with a keyhole. But
the door opens without a key and without a lockpick...
He does not know where to go in Befallen.
In East Freeport he went to the shop named Hallard's Resales, down two sets
of steps into the basement and found the locked door. This one, just as the
locked door in the North Freeport bank, will not allow practice. His skill
is insuffient.
Player level is 39. Where to go now? What to do to increase skill?