Planar IX2850 28-Inch Ultra HD Monitor Review: Affordable 4K

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T&N+Film? Yuk, ill pass... been using an IPS variant since 2005 and ill never go back. "Ultra-HD" or not. Ill take accuarcy and viewing angle over speed anyday, as long as its fast enough....
the more then one input makes for interesting possiblities on an older work setup where you can get all work screens on one screen
The next gen games are not running well on 4K. Assassin's Creed: unity gets 24 FPS with SLI GTX 980's. FC4 gets around 28 FPS.

We still have a long way to go. Probably 2 more generations of graphics cards, before it becomes affordable and with good performance. SLI needs to not be a requirement.
You can't play any game that is coming right now on a 4k monitor. Sure, if you don't mind playing with 30-40 fps.... Sorry, but i'm not spending that money for 4k monitor, just to say "hey look, i have a 4k monitor". I want performance as well and that isn't coming any time soon. It costs 500$, but you're forced to go SLI and i see people are struggling even on 1080p with SLI. So in the end, you spend like 1000$ and you still can't max out a game and have decent fps.

Unless its an older generation or very cheap setup, no one struggles at 1080p with SLI.
28 inches just too small after using a 30 inch 2560 x 1600 display since 2009. Next upgrade is a Phillips 40" 4K monitor which is coming in December for $800. My 2 x 980 classifieds won't have a problem running it either. Do your research before spouting off at the mouth about things you clearly know nothing about some of you.
In the title it says "Affordable 4k." Maybe the monitor is affordable, but 4k gaming is not affordable because the expense involve in building a PC that plays AAA games at a high quality on 4k is by no means affordable yet.
I see a one or two people complaining about this being a TN 4k panel. There are 4k IPS panels out there, but obviously you will be paying a steep premium. So, just realize that this is targeted at enthusiasts on a stringent budget. Can't live without 4k IPS? Get your wallet out, and cough up $1500+
Pass. Too soon. I'd also have to buy more video hardware for it. Stupid. I'm not going to pay to be an early adopter so to finance cheaper models for those that smartly wait. My 27" LG Quad HD IPS is amazing.
Nvidea and AMD are rumored to have new cards ready for us soon that will output 50% more then 980 GTX. They will be brutally pricey because they are 550 and will need massive cooling on 28nm. But when 20nm hits they will shrink them, drop the price and max out the clock speeds. By next Xmas we should be able to get good 4k gaming at 60 fps from sli setups. But yeah 980 sli for sub 30 fps and no AA. No thanks.
Also you can't do real 4k without at least 8 GB of RAM. And with real 4k textures your gonna need BANDWIDTH. Stacked ram could be HUGE for 4k.
4k isn't all about gaming. 1080p is not enough for me when it comes to text. In regards to gaming however, 1080p is great. 2160p is a sweet spot for resolution allowing you to run 2160p at the desktop and 1080p for games without any pixel sharing/splitting. I'm still waiting for someone to make a 2160p@60hz that can also do 1080p@120hz with adaptive refresh. ..I'm getting so very impatient haha.
When a good non TN panel of 4k with a high refresh rate hits at 1080p price points then I'll look into 4k. Until then my 1080p with dsr on works perfectly well. This dsr stuff gives my current monitors new life. :).
I can't go back to 60 hz after being on a 144hz monitor for so long.... Until 4k is able to refresh that high, I will be staying away.
I have one I use at work. On a MBPr 2014, it runs well...and at 60Hz. Just get the proper 1.2 Displayport cables.

Resolution: 3008 x 1692 @ 60 Hz
Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Rotation: Supported
Connection Type: DisplayPort

No problems with display although occasionally i get a flicker from the display as if it was disconnected for a fraction of a second. I've seen this in MBPs before and, hopefully, it's not the Video card pushing issues.
On November 20th, I bought this monitor from Provantage for $439.09. Now they have it listed for $570.28. UHD @ 60Hz for $499.09, I'll take that any day.
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