In the future, it will be illegal to have personal storage devices, and all media will reside in a central, controlled, supercomputer. We will have to pay for access.
OMG it's big brother! 1984! Game over man, game over!!!
So, you're basically saying...
Due to this technology that AMD is "talking" about, not even demoing yet, you feel it's your right to pirate movies. Yeah, I can see the connecting logic there. ><
I don't even see a mention of Hollywood, actors or paramedics for that matter in the article, but somehow, this is all a conspiracy for the man to take control of your life?
While I agree, that people who are out saving lives, should earn easily as much as a successful, read that again,
successful, actor... Capitalism says no. The reason I say successful, is because there are a lot of "starving" actors out there who don't make any more than your average paramedic does. There are probably more actors/actresses out there who make less money than a paramedic, than the ones who end up being successful like Jim Carey, Jennifer Love Hewitt or Brad Pitt.
However, the US is not a communist-lite country and fortunately or unfortunately (however you wish to look at it), those who bring in the biggest amount of cash, make the most money. Now, while there might be exceptions to the rule, as long as we're a capitalist or even democratic-socialist society, it's just the way the cookie crumbles. While it might or might not be moral, it ultimately comes down to your own personal ethics.
Just like you, choosing to allow people to leach technically stolen property, which I'm going to assume you never paid for either, it comes down to personal ethics.
Unfortunately for you, that is if you live in the US, when you're "seeding" HD-movie content, you're breaking the current laws of the nation.. While, on the other hand, over-paying someone for their performance in a movie or on a football field, is legal even if it is ridiculous.
So, to sum it all up, there is no way you can claim a moral high-ground with your little rant. While your message of "those who save lives should be on equal footing (in terms of income) as those who act in big budget films", comes off as morally righteous.. The value behind it is lost, when you decide to break laws as some type of "retaliation" against "big brother" for a perceived injustice which doesn't even exist yet (AMD's cloud computing idea).
I may, or may not agree with you as well, but I'm mostly just playing devil's advocate here. You could easily stand the high ground with your message, but it falls on deaf ears when you become a hypocrite.