As I am from Norway, we're traditionally a "high cost country", with taxes and fees etc. But also some customs barriers for a few select products like cheese, milk, fish + + +, with up to 400% taxes.. Alcohol and tobacco is also priced in the extreme. One 0,35l (12Oz) bottle of vodka costs about 240,- NOK (~$40), where about 210 of those are taxes.
On top of that, since we have such high salaries and in general earn more money per capita than in most other countries, some companies exploit that to the maximum.
One example of that is Adobe. Where they charged the equivalent of 17000,- NOK for the Creative Suite 5 Master collection in the US, they charged about 38000,- in Norway. As we have 25% VAT on software and goods, the price should have been under 22000, the rest is pure profit for Adobe.
That should put prices in Norway in some perspective.
But for some reason, hardware is quite cheap in Norway. So the PS4, including 25% VAT will be about 3899,- NOK (~$660). That is a lot of money, but "cheap" for a Norwegian.It actually looks like the Xbox One will be about $15 more than the PS4 for some reason =)
It looks like neither will be available before January in Norway
And to my South American friends, I am sorry you are getting f**ked over like that :-\