Tl;dr (More in-depth post below dotted line)
Excited to share my first PC build and get your feedback.
(Long Version with More Context)
Hi All!
I’ve always dreamed of building my own PC, but could never seem to justify the time or cost it would take to do so. Well, with how much time many of us have spent at home due to COVID, I’ve finally decided to take the leap.
Even though I have only recently discovered the content and community of Tom’s Hardware, I’m a big fan of what I have seen thus far, so I am really looking forward to the feedback you all provide.
Also, I understand everyone’s time is valuable so I tried to include the primary questions I am looking for guidance on up front. Details on the ‘Why’ and ‘What’ of my build follows that. However, if you have any other feedback outside of the Qs I listed below, please feel free to share - thanks!
Primary Questions I am Looking to Get Answered:
Currently, I have an old (personal) Asus laptop, my work laptop, and a 25.5 in monitor.
The following problems with my current set-up are driving my upgrade. I am trying to kill multiple birds with one stone by alleviating all of these problems:
Build Links:
Overclocking: No
SLI or Crossfire: No
Approximate Purchase Date: I can buy parts as soon as today, but also can be patient (wait to buy a part here or there) over the next few months if it means more $s can be saved.
Are you buying a monitor: Need to buy two monitors. Am thinking of purchasing ones with the following specs, but am very open to feedback. Would like to keep the cost of each monitor to $200 or less.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Whatever website has the best deal(s). Also have a local Micro Center near me that I could go to.
Parts Preferences: Indifferent
Location: Southwest OH
Excited to share my first PC build and get your feedback.
- Primary:
- League of Legends (90 - 144 fps)
- COD Warzone (100 - 144 fps)
- Secondary:
- Reliable workstation (basic internet browsing / doc usage and storage; basic use of python and SQLServer)
- Would like this build to last 5 - 8 years with the ability to upgrade if needed in future
- PCPartPicker:
- UserBenchmark:
- Future Home Office Setup Diagram:
- Am I overbuying / underbuying on my parts? Do all parts pair well with each other?
- Price-wise - anything I should buy now? Anything I should wait on?
(Long Version with More Context)
Hi All!
I’ve always dreamed of building my own PC, but could never seem to justify the time or cost it would take to do so. Well, with how much time many of us have spent at home due to COVID, I’ve finally decided to take the leap.
Even though I have only recently discovered the content and community of Tom’s Hardware, I’m a big fan of what I have seen thus far, so I am really looking forward to the feedback you all provide.
Also, I understand everyone’s time is valuable so I tried to include the primary questions I am looking for guidance on up front. Details on the ‘Why’ and ‘What’ of my build follows that. However, if you have any other feedback outside of the Qs I listed below, please feel free to share - thanks!
Primary Questions I am Looking to Get Answered:
- Only buying features I need - when you look at my objectives and my build, am I overbuying / underbuying on my parts? Do all parts pair well with each other?
- Current price of parts - since I am not super familiar with the PC part market, are there part prices that are phenomenal and I should buy right now?
- Motherboard - am struggling with this one. Just picked an ATX motherboard based on PCPartPicker as a placeholder. I was thinking of getting one that has wifi built-in. I also didn’t want to overbuy features that I won’t be using, but I also want to allow for future upgrades.
- Case - just picked a mid-sized case off of PCPartPicker that is compatible with my build but am not sure if I should be thinking of getting a case that will allow me to upgrade in the future.
- Monitors - see comments on ‘Are you buying a monitor’ below. Are the requirements I listed accurate for the objectives I have?
- My (future) general office setup - there is a picture of what I think my future office setup will look like once the PC is built and new monitors are purchased. If anything looks off on the setup, I’m all ears.
Currently, I have an old (personal) Asus laptop, my work laptop, and a 25.5 in monitor.
The following problems with my current set-up are driving my upgrade. I am trying to kill multiple birds with one stone by alleviating all of these problems:
- Limited Gaming Abilities: My (personal) Asus laptop is slow and not very reliable. I have trouble playing League of Legends smoothly, and am unable to play COD Warzone at all (does not meet minimum requirements).
- Limited Screen Space/Desk space: For personal and work reasons, I would like another monitor and better utilization of my desk space
- Neck/Back Pain: Due to positioning/height of current monitor/laptops
- Annoying to switch Monitor/Mouse/Keyboard between personal laptop and work laptop
- Gaming
- League of Legends (current game I play; want to be able to play it at 90 - 144 fps though)
- COD Warzone (unable to play at all with current laptop, but would like to download so I can at play it anywhere between 100 - 144 FPS)
- When it comes to gaming, I care much less about the best quality picture (I am fine playing on lowest game settings to get best performance), and much more about performance and reliability.
- Workstation
- basic internet browsing / doc usage and storage; basic use of python and SQLServer
- Watching movies / TV
- Graphic Design or Video Editing
- LiveStreaming
Build Links:
- PCPartPicker:
- UserBenchmark:
- Future Home Office Setup Diagram:
Overclocking: No
SLI or Crossfire: No
Approximate Purchase Date: I can buy parts as soon as today, but also can be patient (wait to buy a part here or there) over the next few months if it means more $s can be saved.
Are you buying a monitor: Need to buy two monitors. Am thinking of purchasing ones with the following specs, but am very open to feedback. Would like to keep the cost of each monitor to $200 or less.
- 144Hz / TN / Free-Sync 2 or G-Sync Compatible / VESA / 27 in
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Whatever website has the best deal(s). Also have a local Micro Center near me that I could go to.
Parts Preferences: Indifferent
Location: Southwest OH