[SOLVED] Please HELP - EMF radiation leakage from router

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Nov 3, 2015
I posted elsewhere about wrapping a router in foil to stop EMF emissions. That was before I saw the other person's router. It is an ATT UVerse, which I would never advise to be directly wrapped in foil. It needs to live in a Faraday cage, which they have.

Here are two videos that show the problem of EMF leakage. Note the ISP has told them the wifi signal is off. Techies have made a service call and they say nothing can be done. (So please don't reply saying to logon to the router and turn off the wifi as they have already done that).

I think it would be worthwhile to wrap the Faraday cage in aluminium foil and test the emissions. Also to monitor it for overheating for several days.

Does anyone have a better, or another, idea?

Router EMF leakage problem

Router EMF leakage problem - everything off but the router
If you really, really want to eliminate it, you need to do the extensive reading required to learn how to bypass the att router completely and use the wired router of your choice, eliminating wifi completely.
If you really, really want to eliminate it, you need to do the extensive reading required to learn how to bypass the att router completely and use the wired router of your choice, eliminating wifi completely.
What do you mean 'do the extensive reading required to learn how to bypass the att router completely'? Can I just buy a good wired router without any wifi, switch the cables and put the ATT router in the closet? Wouldn't my ISP help if I get the new router and just phone their tech support?
Att in most there installs requires you to use their router. Some like a fiber install you can do nothing to bypass others are a variations of a standard DSL router but they will not give you the information you need to configure it. Only their very lowest end offering using a standard ADSL based modem/router can you easily replace it but they will still try to make you install one of theirs.

What I want to see is if people that do this actually live without cell phones. A cell phone puts out much more energy on many radio bands and you have it very close to your body than any router.
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I posted elsewhere about wrapping a router in foil to stop EMF emissions. That was before I saw the other person's router. It is an ATT UVerse, which I would never advise to be directly wrapped in foil. It needs to live in a Faraday cage, which they have.

Here are two videos that show the problem of EMF leakage. Note the ISP has told them the wifi signal is off. Techies have made a service call and they say nothing can be done. (So please don't reply saying to logon to the router and turn off the wifi as they have already done that).

I think it would be worthwhile to wrap the Faraday cage in aluminium foil and test the emissions. Also to monitor it for overheating for several days.

Does anyone have a better, or another, idea?

Router EMF leakage problem

Router EMF leakage problem - everything off but the router
You do realize that routers are just one of the many emitters in a typical persons locale? What problem do you think you are solving by isolating the router's emissions?

If you are that concerned, then the use of modern technology really isn't for you. Just something to consider.
Yes these people are EMF sensitive - I met them in an EMF sensitive group. They have a hard-wired telephone. Right now they can only sit at their computer for 20 minutes at time and then they need to spend several hours away from it because of the radiation. 🙁
You have to realize there is massive amounts of fake information on the internet. Facebook in particular is known for it groups of people spreading false information.

It is highly unlikely some ATT router is putting out any significant EMF with the wifi radios turned off. These are all FCC certified devices that have very strict limits on the amount radio signals allowed. This is mostly to prevent interference with other devices but if you were to go read the test results you will see the values allowed are extremely low.....except of course the wifi which it is designed to put out. They test these with the wifi turned on and off and show the results.

Problem is a lot of people on facebook have no interest in math and science and will not spend the time to read these reports. They would rather believe some random guy with a video.

So you either have some ATT device that is defective
The guy doing the test may be faking the results
They maybe testing for a level that is so low that it is allowed when the radios are off.

If it is the third then likely no router will work since they all put out signals. Every electronic device in existence puts out some signals including the electrical wires in the walls of your house.

Your best solution is to get a different ISP. ATT many times requires you to use their routers. If it is a DSL connection then just get a different provider and you can use your own router.
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What does time at the computer have to do with EMF (wifi?) from the router?
Exposure to EMF radiation is the same as exposure to the sun. The longer you are exposed the more damage is done. Consider it the same as the difference between dark haired people and fair haired people. Some are more sensitive than others.
You have to realize there is massive amounts of fake information on the internet. Facebook in particular is known for it groups of people spreading false information.

It is highly unlikely some ATT router is putting out any significant EMF with the wifi radios turned off. These are all FCC certified devices that have very strict limits on the amount radio signals allowed. This is mostly to prevent interference with other devices but if you were to go read the test results you will see the values allowed are extremely low.....except of course the wifi which it is designed to put out. They test these with the wifi turned on and off and show the results.

Problem is a lot of people on facebook have no interest in math and science and will not spend the time to read these reports. They would rather believe some random guy with a video.

So you either have some ATT device that is defective
The guy doing the test may be faking the results
They maybe testing for a level that is so low that it is allowed when the radios are off.

If it is the third then likely no router will work since they all put out signals. Every electronic device in existence puts out some signals including the electrical wires in the walls of your house.

Your best solution is to get a different ISP. ATT many times requires you to use their routers. If it is a DSL connection then just get a different provider and you can use your own router.
Sorry but did you bother to watch the videos? It isn't 'highly unlikely' it is a fact you can see for yourself in the videos. And being EMF sensitive is a medical condition that doesn't require your agreement or understanding. Also I am not some random guy. I am a computer techie trying to solve a problem that I was asked about. Why are you posting another reply if you don't have anything useful to add and aren't answering the question???
Sorry but did you bother to watch the videos? It isn't 'highly unlikely' it is a fact you can see for yourself in the videos. And being EMF sensitive is a medical condition that doesn't require your agreement or understanding. Also I am not some random guy. I am a computer techie trying to solve a problem that I was asked about. Why are you posting another reply if you don't have anything useful to add and aren't answering the question???

Just because some guy posted a couple videos on Facebook does not make it a "fact".

You've received multiple answers all good ones, resulting in, if you have an issue with EMF radiation from this device, replace it with another one that fits your specification, I am sure someone out there who also believes what you do has found a suitable replacement. Wrapping an electronic device in foil or similar will only result in its overheating.

Otherwise stop fighting people on this, you are not convincing the forum that this is true, so you can either work with what you have here or move on.
Just because some guy posted a couple videos on Facebook does not make it a "fact".

You've received multiple answers all good ones, resulting in, if you have an issue with EMF radiation from this device, replace it with another one that fits your specification, I am sure someone out there who also believes what you do has found a suitable replacement. Wrapping an electronic device in foil or similar will only result in its overheating.

Otherwise stop fighting people on this, you are not convincing the forum that this is true, so you can either work with what you have here or move on.
I am not SOME GUY. I am trying to solve a problem. If you have a problem with that then go post somewhere else. Judgement, ignorance and stupidity are not supposed to be part of a tech forum.
I am not SOME GUY. I am trying to solve a problem. If you have a problem with that then go post somewhere else. Judgement, ignorance and stupidity are not supposed to be part of a tech forum.

The person who created those videos is "some guy", and just because someone does not believe the videos you have posted does not make them judgmental, ignorant, or stupid. Personally attacking people on this forum however is unacceptable. You as well will not tell me or anyone else where to go post. I gave you fair enough warning.
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