Question Please help me repair this drive after service center messed up .

Jun 17, 2024
Service center used the same psu cables for two different drives and fried a seagate 8tb hdd that is very important to me .
This is the drive that is now fried:
It is not letting me link pictures but the SATA connector from the EVGA 750bq drive (with connector pin up) is missing its top right pin. This cable was plugged into a powerspec 850w drive ( PSX 850GFM) and then into my drive which fried it. The power spec stata connector (with connector pin facing up) has the middle bottom pin missing.

I can only guess the incorrect pinout to something simmilar below:

I really really would like to fix this drive. What do you think are the first steps to fixing it? Thank you.
Service center fried the drive?
They get to replace it.

Recover your data from the backup.
They will not replace it and refuse to claim responsibility. It was working perfectly when I dropped it off when i got it back those were the cables plugged into the hdd. They claim it was a power surge and they hold no responsibility.
They will not replace it and refuse to claim responsibility. It was working perfectly when I dropped it off when i got it back those were the cables plugged into the hdd. They claim it was a power surge and they hold no responsibility.
Which cables are you talking about. which pin is missing ? there's only one place for SATA drives power cables to connect to and that's SATA 5 pin.
Anyway, if HDD is really fried only way would be to replace it's control board but that's complicated procedure, only a proper HDD service could do.