Please help me


Jan 1, 2013
hi i have already posted this under video games and it got flagged in five minutes random anyway i need some advice. i would like to be able to run new games in 720p medum-low with about 45-60 fps here are my system specs CPU: core 2 quad GPU: nvidia 9600gt 1GB HDD 1TB RAM: 8gb 1333mhz on a 23 inch monitor throgh DVI. now i know this isnt good but im waiting on my new gaming rig come march and what i dont understand is this say i play farcry 3 720p on low gfx i get about 25-30 fps when ive fully overclocked my graphics card and when i take off the over clock i get about 20-25 now this feels patchy and not very smooth and it doesnt look very good considering the cost of the pc at the time (2008) id say it isnt as goog graphics as a ps3 i dont think im asking much of my pc but any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks.
Sounds like you need a new video card? What is your budget for such a purchase? Also, what version of Windows are you using? And, what resolution is your display (I assume 1920x1080)? Last, what make/model of power supply are you using?

i dont want to upgrade my pc as im buying a new one come march but have you got any advice that i may play new games in maybe 720p on medium with decent fps thanks.
For me there are a few questions that need answering before I can reccommend a graphic card:

Which core2quad do you have? Is a cpu overclock possible? What are your current motherboard and PSU?

I like Nvidia cards. A gtx570 or 560ti can be had for ~$200. Something comparable, say a gtx650/660 would also use less power. I don't know much about the current ati/amd cards to make a reccomendation but I have read good things about the 7000 series. Your CPU will hold you back, so don't buy a gtx580/590/gtx680/690 or a 7900 series as it will be bottlenecked by limitations of your CPU. If a new rig is due in March either wait it out, or get the cheapest card that will suit your current needs.
FC3 is one of the latest and most demanding games out there. You're expecting a lot on a 4 year old system. I have a 6 core AMD, 8GB ram, 7750OC, and can do high graphics at 30-50fps depending on the scene at 1280x1024.

i just coppied this from control panel intel 2 quad Q8200 2.33GHz. i think i have a 450w psu but im not sure about my mobo

maybe your right do you know how i could get more fps on my current settings (720p low) to make it run more smoothly thanks.
If your graphics control panel, there are usually settings for performance over quality and let you use sliders (amd does anyways, haven't used an nvidia card for a while but I assume there is something similar) turn all those down, they can make a huge difference sometimes.

In FC, goto custom setting and turn everything down, and start from there. AA off, etc.

Also, FC supports DX11 and DX9 and there is an option in the for that. Older cards don't seem to do good with the DX11, so try going to DX9. Lots of ppl have reported good success in DX9 with not so stellar hardware.
Two words:

Graphic Card. You need a new graphics card. I wouldn't go too crazy as your CPU will bottleneck anything high end. A gtx660ti is a fantastic card, but expensive. A new graphics card will most likely require a new power supply. Give me an idea of budget and I can give a better response.

If you give me 24 hours I can test my core2quad and gtx570 on FC3 @ 720p and post the results.

thanks id graetly appreciate a benchmark my budget would be around 120 quid because it only tempory and thi pc ill go downstairs as a family multi media pc
If your going to build a new system in march, it may be more cost-effective for you to spend a bit more and buy the GPU now (and probably a PSU to go with it). Come march you can pop those components into your new build. Otherwise your going to spend $120 just for a 3 month band-aid.
I have to agree with Avenged. Decent GPU and PSU now, and move it to new machine later. Your 9600gt will be fine in a HTPC afterwards. I do really like my gtx 570 and they can be had for aprox $200 CAD which translates to aprox 120 pounds. Still trying to find a playable demo or something for that benchmark. Will get back to you!
I played the game very briefly while running fraps:

2013-01-03 00:31:58 - farcry3
Frames: 3291 - Time: 58859ms - Avg: 55.913 - Min: 39 - Max: 82

Granted I played for only a minute (I died sneaking past the dude butchering a pig), but you get the idea. My machine is a similarly specd core 2 quad, also. This is 720P with graphics ultra, HBAO on and alpha coverage to enhanced.

Upped it to 1080P and played a bit longer:
2013-01-03 00:48:01 - farcry3
Frames: 15502 - Time: 364855ms - Avg: 42.488 - Min: 19 - Max: 56

I consider 40fps playable as I game on my TV anyway. My CPU is probably a bit of a bottleneck, my GPU isn't the newest. I intend to build a new rig sometime this year, and retire this HTPC to the bedroom. This is a new and demanding game, but can be run on prev. gen hardware.

Tom's has a monthly "best graphic cards for the money" that is worth a read.