So I built myself a rig recently, and everything was going fine until last night. I was playing Resident Evil 2 remake, and the PC shut down mid game. Now I thought I'd mention, my GPU fans won't spin unless I manually turn them on, I don't know why. After the PC shut down I tried to turn it back on, and nothing happened. The PC was very hot, and even smelled strange. I unplugged everything, and checked the inside. All looked fine, except the GPU was hot to the touch. I had realized that the fans weren't spinning the whole time. So I plugged the power cord back in, and the PC didn't turn on. Only a quick flash from the GPU, and motherboard. So this morning, I decided to turn the PC on again, without the gpu, and it worked. But the moment I put the GPU back, the PC shut down. I'm not sure if the problem is the GPU, the PSU, or the motherboard. I would really love some help, or any advice.
My specs:
A320m MSI gaming pro
Ryzen 7 1700 with stock cooler (not OC'd)
Viper elite 2400 8GB DDR4
500watt PSU EVGA 80plus bronze
XFX black edition RX 580 OC 8gb vram
My specs:
A320m MSI gaming pro
Ryzen 7 1700 with stock cooler (not OC'd)
Viper elite 2400 8GB DDR4
500watt PSU EVGA 80plus bronze
XFX black edition RX 580 OC 8gb vram