Question Please help: Square pixels on the right side of the screen

Jul 13, 2024
Hi! So I just built a new pc 5 days ago. When I open a browser or an app with Hardware Acceleration, groups of square pixels appear only on the right side of the screen even after I completely close the apps/browsers . When I don't scroll, they're stationary, but when I do, they move. I noticed they don't appear on white/bright backgrounds or black backgrounds/text (except file explorer text). If I change the resolution or refresh rate to "reload" the display driver the problem dissapears until for example i open a new tab in microsoft edge. If I turn off Hardware Acceleration the problem is fixed, but the thing is that it also happens sometimes when I play a game and I Alt-Tab to another window (only have installed ark survival evolved for now). Here's a link showing microsoft edge :
. Using another monitor provides the same results. Is my gpu partially cooked?

I have tried reinstalling amd drivers using ddu, versions 24.4.1, 24.5.1, 24.6.1. Same thing.
Reinstalling display drivers/using every gpu port.
Reseating gpu in Pcie slot.
MB is updated to latest driver excluding beta.

Cpu: ryzen 5 5600 | Gpu: RX 6800 | Psu: msi a650bn | Ram: 2x16gb 3200mhz | MB: msi b550-a pro | Me: thanks.
Jul 13, 2024
Thank you for the response. Unfortunately I can't return the card. The Vram clock in amd adrenalin software cannot go below 2000mhz for my card, which is also the stock speed. When using edge the vram stays at around 190 mhz so I don't think that would help.