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Aug 27, 2011
ram gives you only 20% performance in games the main component is cpu, upgrade your cpu to e8400 this can max some games with high frame rates.but you can also run bf3 on medium-high with e8400 model.


Oct 6, 2011

So upgrading ram won't really help? But what if I overclock my CPU?
Upgrading RAM from 4 or 6 Gb to 8 or 12 is not helping much, but in your case, 2 Gb of RAM might not be enough for smooth gameplay. Consider that modern games have big memory requirements and frequent data swaps from/to the HDD will affect the gameplay greatly. Just a thought.
Also, make sure that the temps are under control; old thermal paste tends to dry up, high temps will affect all your gaming sessions, regardless of games.
For PSU, do some research on sites like Newegg in terms of rating and usage; you might find better deals there or at least get some ideas about which ones are better rated by the gaming community.
the power supply...... says it has enough amperage to run your system but I'm a little leery of the 1 year warranty and the name.

adding 2 more gigs of ram when your system only has 2gigs is a good thing providing you get the same as you have or replace what you have with a 4gig set. ( 2 - 2gig sticks ) if your mother board will support it.

the processor is only dual core and not the fastest out there. That is another thing holding you back.

What games are you trying to play and at what resolution ?


Aug 27, 2011
many peoples lie, they just show on thier systems overclock your system as high as possible and run some heavy games like gta iv bf2 etc with max or high setting and see how much difference you gain i am sure not more than 25%.


Aug 3, 2011
Why are you buying a PSU? If yours powers your current rig there is no reason to replace it.

Anyways, that 700W PSU is way bigger than you need for a single 6850, since a 500W is recommended and you could run as low as a quality 400W PSU. Also, at the super low price, no 80+ certification, and no active PFC, I wonder if this thing is going to explode. Now, I have nothing against PSUs without 80+ & active PFC, but they need to be quality supplies. Considering that nowadays those two features are standard skimping on them means it could be cheap junk. I can't find any information on this company or model. Use at your own risk.

If you actually need a PSU and only have $25, then I'd suggest something like the Corsair CX430V2 - - for $25 after rebate. It is on the small side but should power your 6850 and CPU no problem (unless you were running something like an overclocked 125W Thuban.

As for getting more performance out of your computer, going to 4GB is essential (it is so cheap anyways) since Windows 7 will use 1GB by itself which doesn't leave a lot for your games. Heck, even opening firefox for a while will consume that last GB. Spend the $15 and upgrade, just make sure it is matching speed, CAS latency, and voltage.

If that doesn't fix your problems (probably won't completely), then you can look into the more expensive ($80-100) CPU upgrade.


Oct 6, 2011

Quick question. How come I reach 45 fps in my games, but it still lags? I don't get it?


Jun 15, 2011
Back onto the purpose of the original post.

No that is a terrible PSU. Will it power your system and do what you need it to do? Yes it will but your PSU is the single most important part of your PC. Buying a cheap, low quality PSU has the potential of destroying every single part of your computer if it fails. Most likely the PSU you have in your computer right now is higher quality than the one you linked and it sounds like it powers your system just fine so you do not need a new power supply.

On the other topics, at the moment your CPU is bottlenecking your graphics card. If you did overclock it you would definitely see a definite performance increase, but you would have to shell out some additional money for an aftermarket cooler.


Aug 3, 2011

Just because you can reach 45fps doesn't mean you can maintain a playable experience (in my experience you can go as low as a consistent 20fps and still enjoy your games). The real key is consistency. When there is a quick drop in frame rate it can be very easy to notice. As for the reason, most likely it is the CPU, but like I said, it would be a good idea to upgrade the RAM. I've seen many PCs come to a crawl because they run out of physical RAM and start paging like crazy which really slows things down.

What I would do, is buy 2GB of ram and add it to your existing 2GB, and then overclock the CPU to 3GHz (should be doable on a stock cooler). Total upgrade cost - $15. Double check your overclock to make sure you aren't overheating the CPU. Make sure you keep the voltage as low as possible for a stable overclock to keep the temperatures down.

link to overclock where the guy stayed with stock cooler at 2.9GHz -

If you still have lag then the solution is going to be replace the CPU, but you'll have to wait until you can afford a new one (or maybe find someone throwing away a computer that doesn't know enough that you can salvage the parts from.
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