[SOLVED] Please someone help me fix my pc :((

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Dec 10, 2020
Idk really know how to word this and it might be kind of long, if this is a bad place to post this somebody please help redirect me, I haven't been able to get any help yet.

So basically, about 9 months ago I built my first gaming pc ever, and now when I run games, a lot sometimes run slightly laggy or have frame drops / freezing, but some games run great. (For example, For Honor has NEVER had a lag spike or low frames that I can notice in my many hours of playing.) Before I go more into details, here are the specs of the PC. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/39NVGq

Some reasons I think that I might have problems include when I built the pc I'm not sure I properly grounded myself, I had to lift up and replace the CPU after misplacing it, and then I transported my PC from one house to another probably a collective 8-10 times, every other week. I really want to figure out these problems but I have no way of telling if they are hardware problems that I caused myself and need to be replaced, or if a factory reset or some setting changes could make me able to play most games at a consistent frame rate. Also, every time I launch my PC is scans and repairs my C: Drive.

I am willing to give any other information or clips or graphs or anything to try and figure this out. Again, I'm sorry that this post was so long I just don't know what to do and really don't want to have to spend over a thousand dollars to just rebuild my pc. I greatly appreciate any and all help.

UDPATE: I enabled A-XMP and set RAM to run at DDR4-3000, and did some slight changes to SSD and HDD. This is the before and after.
I have yet to test a game yet but this looks better already :))
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When these things happen are you monitoring your PC? Like CPU/GPU usage etc, with something like Afterburner?
I usually have task manager open to check for spikes / drops when lag happens, but I haven't used any other programs for tracking.

Edit : I'm downloading afterburner now to run some games and take some screenshots.
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what the cpu?
how full is the ssd? game on the ssd or hdd?
what the cpu?
how full is the ssd? game on the ssd or hdd?
The CPU is a Ryzen 5 3600, 6 Core, 12 Thread. The SSD has 43 GB left of 446, and the HDD has 778 GB left of 1.81 TB. Borderlands 3 is on my HDD, although I have Sea of Thieves and Genshin Impact on my SSD and have experienced freezing and lag spikes in those games too.
Amd chipset drivers and motherboard lan/audio drivers up to date?
How do I find what drivers I need for those? I'm actually not sure I have ever gotten those, so that might be it. I have updated my GPU and done a BIOS update before and I think that might be it. I know my windows defender is on, I don't actually know any safe / free malware programs, I have never defragged HDD (idk what that is), and no to the last two. I will start working on those

Edit: I just installed the latest chipset driver, ran CC cleaner, and am "optimizing" my HDD, which was 22 percent fragmented
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CCleaner is great, run it at least once a month. I also use the Registry cleaner tool if I've done a bunch of uninstall/deleting programs (always say YES to save).

There's 2 places to find drivers. The amd chipset drivers you get from Amd.com, follow the directions to get the ones you need. The other drivers are motherboard specific and you'll get those from the motherboard website, exact model.
CCleaner is great, run it at least once a month. I also use the Registry cleaner tool if I've done a bunch of uninstall/deleting programs (always say YES to save).

There's 2 places to find drivers. The amd chipset drivers you get from Amd.com, follow the directions to get the ones you need. The other drivers are motherboard specific and you'll get those from the motherboard website, exact model.
Alright, TYSM. I have installed the latest chipset driver and I'm going to try and find the motherboard drivers now and I'll run a malware scan.

Edit : Before I install more drivers, is it bad if I install one I already have without knowing I have it?
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