Plextor 12/10/32 for PII 350



Or would the 8X be good enough. I have a PII 350 and 128 ram. I thought the burn proof may help with a slower computer. Thanks for info...
You should be okay with either. The 12x offers burn-proof, and whether you want to spend that extra money is really up to you. Again, if you're not using your computer too heavily while burning, there shouldn't be a problem - the real basis on which you should decide is speed.

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I think you should go for the Plextor 12/10/32. Even when I'm just burning at 8x or 12x, in my Pentium 225 MMX, sometimes Burn-Proof kicks in. With a Pentium II 350, if you did anything at the same time you're burning, Burn-Proof would also kick in. So if you buy a 8x recorder without Burn-Proof, you won't be able to do anything when you are burning, and you may even then get coasters.