[SOLVED] Plugged a powered USB plug into laptop, now it won't work

Feb 29, 2020
I have a powered USB hub, I found a power supply that I thought was for the powered USB strip, I plugged it in and then plugged the USB strip into my USB port on my laptop. It immediately shorted out. After doing some research I found that this was NOT the correct power supply and it had much more power than the one for my USB hub. So I am thinking it zapped something potentially on my motherboard. I have never had this happen so I am not sure what to do or where to even start. I took it to a computer friend who looked at it and he had no idea but could not get it working.

I know, it was very stupid to overpower the USB, the plug fit perfectly seemed to be the correct plug, I should have checked the output. I am afraid I fried something on the motherboard and would like to fix this without having to replace the whole motherboard if possible. I am pretty saavy with this so I can open the unit and even replace components on the board if needed. Like I said though, I would not even know where to start. Any help is greatly appreciated. It is a HP Pavilion 15-au018wm Intel® Core™ i7-6500U (2.5 GHz, up to 3.1 GHz, 4 MB cache, 2 cores) running Windows 10. Note, I did try replacing the power supply/charger and that did not help. Thank you for any advice.
