
Oct 18, 2006
Maybe I'll use this guys thread.
I'm getting ready to build A Q6600 machine. I ended up going for the 8800 gts 320 just because I'll wait until more Direct X 10 Games come out. (I had a ATI 9700 Pro All in wonder card)
I want to buy a game to play with this new set up? I'm not sure what to get. I was able to Play FEAR on my computer (it wasn't great but do-able). Also I have an XBOX 360 so I have played thing like Half life 2 on that.
I mostly like FPS? But also thinking about Command and Conquer 3 (only played the demo)? What games have I missed out on that I should play.


Apr 9, 2007
Mmm first thing that came to mind was FEAR. I would recommend ignoring graphics specifications when you buy your games. Your comp obviously wont be able to handle the highest settings on newer games, but I have no doubt that you will be able to play any game out there.

Just grab some games that you have heard have great gameplay...and don't forget to get a copy of Crysis...even though the release date has seemed to suspiciously move back a couple more months.

I would also recommend using XP for your games. I don't know if you already have it or dual boot or something, but if your wanting to get the most out of your system (and aren't shooting for DX10) then a memory-efficient OS would be the way to go.

Happy hunting; sorry that I can't name specific games, but for that I would just look on a gaming web site and see what's popular.