Question Pooling hard drives

New User 337

May 17, 2015
I have a need/want for all my data (images) to be accessible on a single drive. Right now I have 6+ tb and growing. I've just purchased 2 10tb drives that I intend to pool into a 20tb drive. I want to know the best way to "join" the drives. I know about and have used storage sense, but is the the best most reliable way to do this? Thanks
Did you ever hear the phrase "putting all your eggs in one basket"?
Of course it's possible to pool your HDDs using a RAID configuration such as in a DAS or NAS. But if you go down this route and lets say, in 18 months time 2 of your disks fail, you could end up a messy situation. So ask yourself, is it really essential to have all your images all "pooled"?
There's no harm in it as long as you have all your images backed up to other media so they aren't lost when the span or array goes down.

You can use Windows to span the two drive, use windows to create a large storage pool and add the drives as members of this pool (the nice thing here is you can make the pool larger then the installed drives to accommodate future expansion), you can possibly use motherboard raid to create a raid0 or jbod (not supported on all motherboards)