Poor preformance and low GPU usage


Jun 19, 2014
Got a second gtx 770 about a week ago and have been plagued with issues. When I first started out I had absolutely awful performance when using sli. Lower then with just one card. After re-installing graphics drivers (latest beta drivers), doing a mild overclock on my cpu and changing some settings in the nvidia control panel its a lot better but still no where near to what other people are experiencing. While playing bf4 i used a second monitor to monitor everything. My graphics card temps never went over 70C. My CPU never went over 40C. My CPU usage is around 70% when my GPU usage never goes above 50% on both cards.

Why is my GPU usage so low? My CPU doesnt seem to be bottle necking it and my PSU should be more then enough power.

BF4 i get 40-70 fps on average at ultra while other people with similar specs never dip below 70 fps.

CPU- FX-8120 @ 4.0 GHz
GPU- 2x EVGA GTX 770
PSU- Corsair TX 750 watt
RAM- 8gb @ 1600mhz crucial ballistix
The site, not you, wow, sorry. Wrong choice of words.
Update. Took one card out and my gpu usage is 90% and above most of the time. With both cards in the gpu usage is never above 60%.
I have almost the exact problem that you have. I have an fx 8350 clocked at 4.818 ghz and two gtx 780s. I run into the same usage problems that you have. I cannot find any solutions. I fear that perhaps our CPUs simply cannot handle two graphics cards. A lot of people say that power can be an issue here, which may be the case for 750 watts. But I have a 1000 watt raidmax that's gold certified, so I don't think it's the case for me, and probably not for you.