Question Possible GPU degradation?

Apr 27, 2022
Okay so my Sdd and Hdds had been neglected for a few years and I had built up a fair amount of malware. This is just backgrounf however as one day I was playing Colonial Marines (whom I blame entirely for no real rasson) and it crashed with a dying flourish of graphical corruption\artifacts. Since than almost all my graphics intensive games dont work\crash either immediately or after a certain amount of time. My brother said it was most likely the malware and rather courteously went and bnought mt a second 1TB NVSMe drive whiuch after installation provided a fresh start. Unfortunately the games still crash.

I suspect it is tied to graphical stress as today I had MTG Arena crash predictively at 1920x1080 and after dropping it to 1600x1020 it was magically repaired. Was hoping for any advice on how to get back to Elden Ring GTA Online and Halo Infinite as they are lost to me. Is it my 5m year old 1060 GTX nvidida card? Usually dont they prevent you from booting the system when they go, not just lower their own specs? Any answers would be appreciated. Try not calling me an idiot though if im missing something obvious. My entire life revolves around missing obvious things