[SOLVED] Power Outage fixing HDD health?


Aug 20, 2018
First of all, Hello and sorry for my bad english

So, to make it short: My hard drive was at 100% Health and "good" in both Hard disk Sentinel and CrystalDiskInfo until, as usual in my country, i got a power outage, but at the moment of it happening i was saving some stuff i was downloading from google chrome, when the power came back the health of it was at 98% and in "Danger", fast foward some months ( Today ) Another power outage happened! And in this case i was using SFM, as i usually do, but the hard drive was at FULL usage, like the HDD light in the case was about to blow up, reading all of my models, i was of course worried it could duck up the drive since i dont have any backup, after 4 hours of waiting the power came back and i checked Hard Disk sentinel and Crystal disk info, just to find that it was 1% up in health ( 98% to 99% ) and it was now "good", i'm not smart in this kind of stuff so i come here to ask, should i be worried and get another hard drive, backing up my data as fast as i can or is this good ? ( I will do this anyways but getting a brand new hard drive in Venezuela is kind of hard )

Thank you and have a good day/night
ANY time a hard drive starts showing weird signs, of any kind, it's a good time to immediately start thinking about a replacement. Going down and then up in health, is not normal, and is likely a sign of an impending issue.
Or, like me, five minutes after creating, adding or downloading it, if it is something I want to keep. If I backup a movie, that gets backed up as soon as the backup is complete. Every day the drive I use to backup important files, gets backed up. That includes 12TB of movie data, so far, and about four TB of various random files and programs. And another game drive with about 5TB of data on it. Plus, all of the movies are backed up to DVD or BD disks, in case there is a tremendous power surge or lightning strike that happens to take out the primary drive and the backup. Mostly I only connect the second backup when it's in use and then disconnect it, so that can't happen.

Especially during the summer when we get a LOT of electrical storms in the area.