Question Power supply delivering 6 volts instead of 5


Jan 8, 2019
So recently my computer has been turning off for no apparent reason. Everytime i turn it back on i get "Power Surge Detected" or something like that. I checked with the bios and it says 5V power is sending 6V. I doubt this is supposed to happen as when it goes to 6V the value goes red and also its called 5V power for a reason. Not 6V. I'm on a asus m5a78l-m lx v2 with a thermaltake xp550 psu. The fan(s) on it has also started making a small static like noise.
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I would double check that with multimeter (Cheap 10$ would work).
How old is your thermaltake XP550?(google gives me review from 2008, soo it seems quite and very old).
If you have molex connector (4 pin to connect to fans or old HDD) going Yellow Black black red, you plug probes into red and black (check out guide how to use multimeter if you are not sure).
If it shows 6V, thats quite HIGH for it. Usually PSU's have to be withn 5% spec, for 5V would be 0.25 up and down.
It might be the 5VSB (or known as stand by voltage, which comes into play when PC is not powered on but plugged into power and usb ports provide voltage up to 1-2A, depending from PSU manufacturer).
In end I would suggest you PSU swap before that PSU fries something on motherboard.
Power Supply Voltage Tolerances (ATX v2.2)

Voltage RailToleranceMinimum VoltageMaximum Voltage
PSU Tolerance Table
+3.3VDC± 5%+3.135 VDC+3.465 VDC
+5VDC± 5%+4.750 VDC+5.250 VDC
+5VSB± 5%+4.750 VDC+5.250 VDC
-5VDC (if used)± 10%-4.500 VDC-5.500 VDC
+12VDC± 5%+11.400 VDC+12.600 VDC
-12VDC± 10%-10.800 VDC- 13.200 VDC
I'm planning to chuck it when i get another supply. Could it last for a month? I ordered a psu but its coming from europe so i want it to last till then. Probably irrelevant but "typing" with a xbox is annoying to say the least. This took like 3 minutes to do. Anyone else?
That +12V is way over as well. Using a multimeter would give best results,maybe the motherboard reports wrong sensor readings. Thermaltake has some not very good quality psu series though,and that one isn't very good from what i can find, so might well be the psu,but with two readings out of spec you either get a new psu now or at least test with a multimeter,just connect a fan to it if having one with molex connector to make it run and of course connect the green and a black wire on the 24pin connector.

A bad psu can take out or at least harm other parts as well.Really wouldn't want to use this one for another month as well.