Power supply for a Scanjet 54XX



Archived from groups: comp.sys.hp.hardware (More info?)

I need a power supply for a scanjet I bought. The HP part number
is C9867-84204. It's a dual voltage 12v/24v. I googled and ebayed and
everyone says it's "not available". Does anyone have one or know
where I can get one? Or do they know the pin-out on the 4-prong plug?

Archived from groups: comp.sys.hp.hardware (More info?)

This seems to be a valid HP sparepart number any service provider shuld be
able to order it from HP..



Best regards


"Daniel Ganek" <ganek@comcast.net> wrote in message
> I need a power supply for a scanjet I bought. The HP part number
> is C9867-84204. It's a dual voltage 12v/24v. I googled and ebayed and
> everyone says it's "not available". Does anyone have one or know
> where I can get one? Or do they know the pin-out on the 4-prong plug?
> /dan
Archived from groups: comp.sys.hp.hardware (More info?)

Johnny wrote:
> This seems to be a valid HP sparepart number any service provider shuld be
> able to order it from HP..
> see:
> http://partsurfer.hp.com/cgi-bin/spi/main?sel_flg=partinfo&template=main&cpric=&psrchmode=&partsrch=C9867-84204&submit.x=5&submit.y=0
> Best regards
> Johnny
> "Daniel Ganek" <ganek@comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:dgcalg$net$1@pcls4.std.com...
>>I need a power supply for a scanjet I bought. The HP part number
>>is C9867-84204. It's a dual voltage 12v/24v. I googled and ebayed and
>>everyone says it's "not available". Does anyone have one or know
>>where I can get one? Or do they know the pin-out on the 4-prong plug?

No, HP no longer sells the part. The web site just gives it as a references. I googled
for it and all the suppliers I could find in the US no longer have it available.
One or two suppliers in the UK have it but the shipping is expensive. Anyway HP
wanted about $100 for it when they had it. I only paid $20 for the scanner.

It's an odd adapter - two voltages 12v and 24v. I been watching eBay but none
has showed up. Every scanner on eBay that uses it doesn't come with a PS.

Delta most likely manufactured it for HP but I don't know how to determine what the
Delta part number is.

I guess I'll just have to jerryrig two adapters together, if I can figure out which pin is which.

Daniel, I have the same scanner and am looking for the same power module and was wondering if you ever solved your problem.

- Mike
I have the YHi 138-2030-IP3 (HP replacement part I ordered before they stopped offering them). I searched Google for, "YHi 138-2030-IP3," and found three distributors that seem to have it in stock.

HP site says the C9867-84204 High power AC power module (Brick type)- 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 37W for a Scanjet 5490C is required if an Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) is attached.
Our power module supplied with the Scanner+ADF delivers now aprox. 18V and 10V instead of the 24V and 12V needed, the scanner does not work.
Specifications from our defective Switching Power Supply YHI 138-2030-IP3
Input:100-240V~, 50/60Hz, 900mA
Output:+12V, 1500mA; +24V, 800mA
The pin-out on the 4-prong plug is as follows:

..........(flat side of plug is up)

.........+12V....o... ...o.....+24V


......(round side of plug is down)

Distance between +12V and +24V is little bigger than between GND pins
A few months ago, I went to use my HP 5490c ADF to scan some documents like I have done many, many times in the past and the scanner refused to grab my paper and reported a jam. Realizing that I did not actually have a jam, I went in search of an answer and stumbled upon HP's forums describing how this can happen if the scanner was shipped with the incorrect power supply. I had my scanner since 2002 and never had a problem before. I did check the power supply output and it clearly showed 12V and 24V. No problem there, I thought. So, figuring it was a problem with the ADF itself, I went in search of a new one and found one rather cheap. I received it earlier this week and quickly replaced my original. No luck, though! I had a new problem. The pickup roller was resting all the way down and blocking the paper from slipping into the pickup area. I would have no chance of getting the paper to grab now! I gently raised the roller just enough to slip the paper underneath and lowered it back down. I then tried to scan and it grunted a little bit and then reported a jam again.

Sigh. Any suggestions?

It should be noted that I measured the voltage output using an old multimeter. The 12V came up pretty solid but the 24V clocked in at 22.8V. Since this is so close to 24V, this may not be an issue, but is it possible that the ADF is sensitive and it absolutely must have 24V?



HP site says the C9867-84204 High power AC power module (Brick type)- 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 37W for a Scanjet 5490C is required if an Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) is attached.
Our power module supplied with the Scanner+ADF delivers now aprox. 18V and 10V instead of the 24V and 12V needed, the scanner does not work.
Specifications from our defective Switching Power Supply YHI 138-2030-IP3
Input:100-240V~, 50/60Hz, 900mA
Output:+12V, 1500mA; +24V, 800mA
The pin-out on the 4-prong plug is as follows:

..........(flat side of plug is up)

.........+12V....o... ...o.....+24V


......(round side of plug is down)

Distance between +12V and +24V is little bigger than between GND pins
I had the same problem. Replacements are very hard to find. I finally found a company in Arizona that was very helpful. They found a used replacement for me. It took about two weeks but the guy was very knowlegable and helpful.

His name is Chuck and his phone is:
(602) 325-5484 X100
E-mail: "sales@vdtechnology.com"
Voice & Data Technology Inc.
I hope this helps.


Was your response directed to me? By replacement, do you mean power supply or ADF?



I had the same problem. Replacements are very hard to find. I finally found a company in Arizona that was very helpful. They found a used replacement for me. It took about two weeks but the guy was very knowlegable and helpful.

His name is Chuck and his phone is:
(602) 325-5484 X100
E-mail: "sales@vdtechnology.com"
Voice & Data Technology Inc.
I hope this helps.

In the end it cost me about $80.00 for the used power supply and about $20.00 for shipping if my memory serves me correctly. This was about August of this year.
Thanks! Did you also check the voltage output of your bad power supply? See, I'm not sure if mine is really bad if the there's a only a 2 volt drop on the 24V side.

Were you still able to use the flat-bed portion of your scanner when the ADF stopped working?

Replacement for the power supply.... I have two working ADFs.
Oh. In that case, a new switching power supply may not help me, then. I wonder what else could cause two seemingly good ADFs to not function.

I never had a switching power supply. All I had was the power supply that ran the scanner without the ADF.