Power supply for Maxtor OneTouch Plus 4 External HDD


Jun 2, 2008
I have mixed up the power supply units that I have, and am not sure which is the correct one for my Maxtor OneTouch 4 PLUS 500GB external HDD that I purchased recently.

Can anyone please help with informnation on the make and spec of the AC power supply unit that I was supplied with?

The one I have that is most likely to suit, I think, is made by APD model WA-24C12N, about the size of a mobile phone charger, and is rated 12 Volts, 2A DC output.

I would appreciate your help on this. The details are not available on the Maxtor web site. In the meantime, I am unable to use my HDD

kind regards,

If you don't find a response here, call your local HW sellers and ask if they have any open returns or if it states on the box.

I've always gone with the philosophy if it fits then it must be ok but with a HD I understand not wanting to destroy the drive.
This is kind of an old message, but I had the same problem of a lost PS. I figured out the power specs (since they are NOT written on the drive case for some oddball reason :)) and figured I'd post them for others!

You can always either find an old PS laying around, or you can just hit radio shack or something and get a new one, they're pretty cheap.

The power supply specs for the Maxtor One Touch 4 (and indeed most external USB hard drives) are:

12V DC output
positive tip
18 Watts or greater
Thank you, thank you. I had thesame problem as JillB, when I misplaced the PS. Then jruddock gave the specs (12Vdc/+tip/18W) for a 500G unit. I suppose that my 1TB unit will use the same 12V PS, right?
BJtheDJ@swbell.net :heink:
Although jruddock did give you some great advice and specifications, one of the most important parts is the amperage that your hard drive will draw while under full load. So to answer your question, the adapter may or may not be different between your 2 hard drives. It depends not only on the hard drive size, but also the interface (USB/eSATA/Firewire) of the hard drive. The typical 500GB Maxtor® OneTouch III with USB will use a 12V DC/2.5A power supply with a center tip positive barrel connector. Your 1TB unit may draw more amps than that, and need a larger power supply. 😀

P.S. For those who said check RadioShack, good luck! :??: Most of their A/C adapters do not exceed 1.5amps. You might have better luck with someone like www.12Vadapters.com , I know I did.
I'm trying to find the adapter also for the Maxtor One Touch 4. All I could find is that it needs 100-240 vac and 47-63 Hz AC .
I'm seeing them on Ebay but I can't tell if it will fit in the hard drive. Where can I get an exact replacement?? WE NEED THIS THING FOR OUR DJ BUSINESS!!! ALL OUR MUSIC IS ON THIS HARD DRIVE. Please help! Thanks!

I don't have a reply for you but, am in the same boat. I moved to WA. from Hawaii an can't find my cords either. Did you manage to get one? if so, can you direct me to where I can buy one.

Jeff G

I'm trying to find the adapter also for the Maxtor One Touch 4. All I could find is that it needs 100-240 vac and 47-63 Hz AC .
I'm seeing them on Ebay but I can't tell if it will fit in the hard drive. Where can I get an exact replacement?? WE NEED THIS THING FOR OUR DJ BUSINESS!!! ALL OUR MUSIC IS ON THIS HARD DRIVE. Please help! Thanks!
WD green - Approx 6 Watts (.5 Amps)
WD Blues - Approx 9 Watts (.75 Amps)
WD Blacks - Approx 11 Watts (.9 Amps)

These should be very close to max, Normally will be slightly less.

Add 2/3 Watts (0.25 A) for interface (kind-of-a wag)

Should be OK with any brick over 1.5 A.
as Long as => 1.5 Smps, With that in mind, MOST Important is +/- Orientation.

Most enclosures use an onboard regulator. The reason is that some "bricks" do not provide a regulated output. The output voltage is specified for rated current. As the load current decreases, the output voltage increase. Some 2.5 Amp (12V) bricks may have an output of 13 -> 15 Volts when used at halve rated current. So using a 2.5A/12V brick for a 12V/1.25A load will only make the regulator work "Harder". This is seen as extra heat. (Same-same if regulator is in "Brick"
I'm trying to find the adapter also for the Maxtor One Touch 4. All I could find is that it needs 100-240 vac and 47-63 Hz AC .
I'm seeing them on Ebay but I can't tell if it will fit in the hard drive. Where can I get an exact replacement?? WE NEED THIS THING FOR OUR DJ BUSINESS!!! ALL OUR MUSIC IS ON THIS HARD DRIVE. Please help! Thanks!

You might have better luck with someone like www.12Vadapters.com , I know I did. My PS cord went out last night and this site has all the adapters that you will need. You will definitely find what your looking for here.
I have a Maxtor OneTouch 4, 500GB and it does indeed take a 12V, 2amps, tip positive power supply.

Manufacturers really ought to write this spec on the casing. I've had the same problem when storing things separately from their power supplies - something I no longer do.

My only reply is, grumble, grumble .... This is a common problem that results from LACK OF GOVERNMENT REGULATION.
I've encountered this problem with many electronic devices for the last twenty years and I've destroyed at least one device when I didn't realize that not only is the voltage important but also the amp rating!
Often the voltage and amp requirements are not even ON THE DEVICE ITSELF and you have to search the internet or rummage around in your file cabinet for the manual.
This information should be placed on both the adapter and the electronic device on pain of the death penalty. (Well, maybe twenty years in prison would be sufficient.)
Grumble, grumble....

They sure should! Anyway, thanks viveka, you saved my skin too!
I just purchased an Enercell (6/7.5/9/12V DC, 2.5A, Positive Q Tip) Power Adapter from Radio Shack, and I am still unable to get my 750 GB Maxtor One Touch 4 to work... When I plug the power adapter in, my Maxtor One Touch 4 starts blinking its white light, however, my computer does not recognize the unit (when using the Firewire or USB connections).

Any ideas on why this adapter is not working for me?


Am not too clear on electricity (like different effect of 2amp vs 2.5 amp), but the specs (as defined above by
viveka (12V, 2amp) agree with manufacturer. One hour ago, I chatted Maxtor online who gave same info: 12V, 2amp, positive central pin. Good luck--still looking through adaptors for mine!
Hey draymedia,

Just wanted to say, THANKS for the post! This is the power supply I had been using, I could hear the HD spinning but could not get it to open. I have a new laptop with win7 and was concerned with either some compatibility issue, which should not be an issue or there was something wrong with my power source. Well, now that the power source puts out 0 voltage, I will assume that was the issue.

Got kinda worried... how could I have mixed up the power source... but alas your post confirmed that I had not. THANKS!

Hey draymedia,

Just wanted to say, THANKS for the post! This is the power supply I had been using, I could hear the HD spinning but could not get it to open. I have a new laptop with win7 and was concerned with either some compatibility issue, which should not be an issue or there was something wrong with my power source. Well, now that the power source puts out 0 voltage, I will assume that was the issue.

Got kinda worried... how could I have mixed up the power source... but alas your post confirmed that I had not. THANKS!

Thanks, too to Draymedia & Tom's.
I finally "found" my missing cord for Maxtor4 this am and checked here again to identify it. Draymedia's photo did the trick--Now I just need a foolproof storage method. Currently, I place cords in a small zip-plastic bag and tape (duct, preferably) to the component. I think I didn't use duct tape this time--Color-labeling on cord, etc. should help...Any other suggestions ?

I have the same problem. But, since My supply is an APD model WA-24C12U I would guess we have the same power adapter for the same HDD. I have already blow one drive, well the 12Vdc Diode.
I agree with the others here [12Vdc, 2A, +CTR], but I'd like to add how to avoid this problem in the future. I buy from Hobby Lobby, one of those paint pens in the white variety. You have to shake the little ball inside about a minute to get the paint to the right consistency.
Then, around the DC connector on the drive, write the voltage, amperage, polarity in the way I did above. On the side of the wall wart where the AC prongs stick out (not likely to be smudged there) write "Maxtor OneTouch4".
My wife is a Methodist pastor, so we move frequently. After the first move, I figured this solution out. Packing and unpacking are a pain! Try hard to LABEL all your computer table boxes, so you can find them on the other end (if you're moving).
Hope this helps :hello:

Spes of maxtor onetouch 4 power adapter:

Model: SYS1308-2412-W2
Part No: SYS1308-2412

Output: DC12V 2-3A

DC Plug (Barrel) dimensions:
Inner diameter - 2.5mm
Outer diameter - 5.5mm


The real reason for not quoting the PS specs on the housing of your external HDD is to help you in mixing up your PS with another similarly looking, but of different voltage. It happens statistically after the warranty is over and the only thing you may do then, s to say bye to all your data stored there and additional ~100$ for replacement.

Remember that youre dealing with shameless bloodless corporates that are after your money, not after providing you with reliable product.

Western Digital are by far the worst judging by my experience spanning almost two decades. My latest unit by WD burned on me exactly bcs of misplaced PS.

Post mortem investigation of the unit revealed that the se Corporate Pigs at WD designed it for PS of exotic 7.5v, unmarked of course. The internal electronics are rigged in a way that if you use by mistake the far more popular 12v PS, the destruction process will burn in chain reaction all the components of their unit: the main board of the unit, the electronics that belong to the hard drive itself and the electro-mechanical components inside it as well.

Since then I never bought any product made by Western Digital, or includes one inside, and never will.

Next time you misplace your PS, go online and check the specs of PS offered for your specific unit. Check several vendors to make sure youre not falling prey to typing error. Then write the specs on your external HDD in a permanent way.

And remember! If Pigs hurt you, repay them tenfold, also for the suckers that shut up!
I found a replacement power cord from www.chargerbuy.com. I was able to pay through paypal (secured payment method) and it amounted to $16.99 for cord & shipping. I will let you know how it goes & whether it works once I receive the cord. I searched for where to by through entering the Part No (SYS1308-2412-W2) into a google search and it brought me to the website I mentioned. Thanks draymedia for providing the part information!!!