Power supply help

mellor x

Apr 5, 2009
hi guys,

i have built many PC's in the past but they have all been 'low-mid level' to say the least
but now im building my own system.

thats the problem... i dont know what power supply to get...
here is the spec of the PC:

i7 920 (Going to be overclocking as much as i safely can)

12GB DDR3 RAM 2 x 2GB Triple Channel kit, 2000MHZ (want to overclock but motherboard states 2000MHZ max ram and dont know if i can (Help on this to please))

2 XFX SLI 275 Graphics Cards (overclocked)

1 XFX 9800GT

10 SATA Drives

1-2 IDE Drives

Cathode lighting case mods

i was looking to buy the Corsair HX850w but dont know if that would be enough.... if not what should i get?

any feedback would be appreciated, on bothe the main question and my RAM question

thanks to all

mellor x
The Corsair HX850 would be an excellent choice.

Oh, and out of curiosity, why the 2GHz RAM? There isn't any significant gain compared to 1333 or 1600 unless you are running memory limited apps.\

EDIT: 10 sata drives? 2 IDE drives? What on earth are you doing that needs that many drives?

mellor x

Apr 5, 2009
cheers guys you have been amazingly helpful and i think im gonna go with the HX850

1 last question though.... sorry to be a pain... is it SLI compatible, i would presume it is but corsair say multi GPU which could just mean Xfire....

Many Thanks

plus does anyone know about my RAM issue???

Mellor x

mellor x

Apr 5, 2009
and to answer cjl's question, i do a lot of work for mates, defragging drives, restoring stuff, and even installing stuff... my mates really dont know much about PC's so i need as many as my case and motherboard can hold :)

i need to teach them this stuff or ill be doing it forever lol

mellor x



May 19, 2009
That amount of drives + SLI a 1000w is going to be a better choice than an 850. Either will be SLI rated.

There is a reason most boards don't go above 2k, its not worth it. If you want to OC ram save some money and buy a slower clock speed that gives you room to OC.

What case are you planning on jamming this into? Even most full towers don't support that amount of drive bays. You would be better off keeping the tower cleaned up and investing in some powered external drive bays if you need that kind of space.

ie http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817994037

Two of those keeps the drives out of your case and you can drop down to a 750-850 with room to spare, even running SLI.