Question Prebuilt Ibuypower PC randomly freezing

Dec 16, 2023
Not sure if this is the right thread to post this in as im new to this site but, my boyfriend bought me and him matching pc's. They are both prebuilds from best buy (this one here). Mine keeps randomly freezing during the most random times. like watching disney plus and having discord open or simply being idle. He has only done it once or twice in the 3 weeks we've had our pcs. We just arent sure whats causing it. My keyboard and mouse will turn off and then it will make a light buzzing noise depending on if i had sound playing in the background or not. Not sure what to do at this point and just hoping someone could give us some things we could try! We did kind of think that maybe its the psu being underpowered but arent 100%

Thank you in advance!
I know what I'd be doing if I had a 3 week old prebuilt which wasn't working properly, I'd be returning it and asking for a new one.
You shouldn't have to try and diagnose what's wrong with it, that's not on you, it's on the retailer.