Brief background: Had a case from an old PC build that I reused to build a new system last year. The power button on the old case had given me problems with the old system and would sometimes take multiple pushes to start up. The new build was built in this case and everything worked fine, except the power button was still a bit troublesome. System has been running fine for last year.
Recently, I've had a few power outages, including a brown out. My system was connected to a UPS so I don't know how these power issues may have impacted it. But after the latest power issue, I was finding myself unable to power on. Being fed up with this old case, I ordered a new case and planned to migrate everything into the new case.
I finished moving everything into the new case and powered it on. Everything started coming up but after 5ish seconds, fans, lights, etc turned off. Oddly, the RAM which lights up was still lit up even though the rest of the system was down. I opened the case back up and started checking connections, couldn't find anything wrong. Subsequent attempts to power up result in lights coming on for a split second, fans starting to turn, then immediately everything shuts down. I am getting a red LED for my CPU on my motherboards debug lights, right before everything turns off. I've continued testing, tried pulling RAM, graphics card, drives, etc. Went down to the bare minimum, just to see if I could get it to start up but continue to get the same brief start up, then shutdown, with the CPU LED error.
At this point, I believe either the CPU or motherboard may need replacing. While the error light indicates CPU, the CPU was never disconnected during the case move and had been working fine before. It's possible the power issues could have damaged it, but I do not think it is improperly seated. I'm also not sure if the motherboard is damaged and incorrectly reporting the CPU problem.
Does this sound like a CPU or motherboard issue?
Recently, I've had a few power outages, including a brown out. My system was connected to a UPS so I don't know how these power issues may have impacted it. But after the latest power issue, I was finding myself unable to power on. Being fed up with this old case, I ordered a new case and planned to migrate everything into the new case.
I finished moving everything into the new case and powered it on. Everything started coming up but after 5ish seconds, fans, lights, etc turned off. Oddly, the RAM which lights up was still lit up even though the rest of the system was down. I opened the case back up and started checking connections, couldn't find anything wrong. Subsequent attempts to power up result in lights coming on for a split second, fans starting to turn, then immediately everything shuts down. I am getting a red LED for my CPU on my motherboards debug lights, right before everything turns off. I've continued testing, tried pulling RAM, graphics card, drives, etc. Went down to the bare minimum, just to see if I could get it to start up but continue to get the same brief start up, then shutdown, with the CPU LED error.
At this point, I believe either the CPU or motherboard may need replacing. While the error light indicates CPU, the CPU was never disconnected during the case move and had been working fine before. It's possible the power issues could have damaged it, but I do not think it is improperly seated. I'm also not sure if the motherboard is damaged and incorrectly reporting the CPU problem.
Does this sound like a CPU or motherboard issue?