If you think that was an attack, you must have only discovered the internet yesterday. That was no attack. Those are legitimate concerns.
How are you supposed to help somebody that is supposed to be a professional and has "clients" if they have no understanding about any of this? Besides which, if they ARE a professional, we are not here to DO THEIR JOB FOR THEM. This site is to help PEOPLE, not businesses. If any person comes here, or to me, asking specific questions about how to do something or about how to troubleshoot an issue, I'm always more than happy to help them. Ask anybody. It's why I've been one of the most active members of this site for the last ten years as a moderator and then a retired moderator, and many years before that as a visitor. But I don't come here to provide assistance to somebody who is making money off something they are supposed to know how to do.
Hence my leading question to see if it was actually the OP's system and they were just trying to seem, IDK, more important, by having "clients" so we could dispense with that and get down to trying to solve the issue if they were willing to admit it wasn't for a client but for themselves. I don't know who you think you are to presume to judge anybody here, but I assure you, this island ejects malfeasants rather quickly so I'd advise you to stow your personal attacks, which is all your post is as it in no way offers any help to anybody and only exists to be excremental.
It's funny how people who only come here once every two years think they have some right to jump in anywhere they like and start slinging insults at people who are here every day for ten years, because they FEEL like it slights somebody, having no idea whatsoever why we ask what we ask, say what we say or do what we do. I'd suggest either you offer to provide whatever valuable information, if you have any, that helps the OP, or refrain from becoming involved in matters that you are only complicating with no ability to assist with.