Question Printer not filling shapes/letters

Sep 15, 2019
From yesterday i have a problem with my printer - it's not filling shapes/images/letters with black color (only black, other colors works well).

When printing images or shapes like rectangle etc I'm getting only borders, and if shape is thin it disappears completely. When printing text I can't see any small font text and while trynig to print larger ones I'm getting only borders.

My printer: Epson XP-342, using Windows 10
I never had any problems with it. I also have not changed any settings on pc or printer before this problem occured.

Pics for better understanding:


As u can see, black color is working, but only on borders, not in a background. I have tried a lot of tips and settings, but nothing worked.

Is anyone able to help?
Thanks and sorry for mistakes,
only in 1 apps having issue?
check printer settings?
I tried printing from mobile app, from another devuce, by sending mail, by right clicking file then clicking print and from word/pdf viewer but everything failed.

I tried printing testing page, in-built repair functions and restoring to default settings.