Your last pic that shows CPU cooler partly, in the top left corner, there are two 8-pin 12V EPS connectors. "CPU" power cable goes into that.I don't know where am I supposed to plug in the cable of the CPU.
Looks like you figured it out.Edit: I think I figured out what those two slots next to CARBON sign were for. It was written CPU PWR 1 and CPU PWR 2 underneath them, so I connected CPU 1 and CPU 2 slots cables from the PSU to each identical number.
These are needed when you have more SATA/MOLEX devices than one cable can provide for.SATA/PERIF slot 2 and 3 are not connected with anything and am not sure if I'm supposed to connect those anywhere.
Could be your GPU AIO, that connected there.In before pics, there were cables connected with SYS FAN 3 and PUMP FAN.
Namely, the AIO itself to PUMP FAN and fan on GPU rad to the SYS FAN 3.