plaguitar :
Whatever dude, i'm new to this....
Since you're new to this, let me help you with posting style. First of all, it's best to be polite when meeting strangers--for your own safety, if for no other reason. Give the stranger the benefit of the doubt at first. There was a revealing study done about this very thing. Bear with me. Some university invited programmers to write a program that would interact with other programs in a sort of game with simple rules: The two "players" meet. If one "strikes" while the other does not, the aggressor gets 5 points and the victim gets nothing. If they both strike, they each get one point. If they both do not strike, they both get three points. They players meet repeatedly in a sort of round robin. It turns out that the winning strategy was to always be passive on first meeting. If your opponent is passive too, always be passive with that opponent thereafter (unless struck). If the opponent strikes, strike back on next meeting him, but be passive on the third and subsequent meetings (unless struck again, whereupon you strike that opponent next time then go back to passivity). This is a counterintuitive result, but its logic is revealed upon careful study. Our friend Enzo seems to understand the principle, because he continued to be helpful, this still being part of your first "meeting".
Second, it's particularly easy to misunderstand the other guy in internet forums, and on the internet in general. I don't think anybody knows why that is, but I guess it has to do with the difficulty of expressing oneself in writing rather than speech, and the absence of cues like facial expressions and body language. Longtime newsgroup posters and forum denizens make it a rule to be meticulously, excrutiatingly polite until all doubt is gone that the other guy is an asshole, even in the face of umbrage and insults. (By the way, the same thing applies to Americans in France.) Again, our enzo passes with flying colors.
Third, everybody here is a volunteer. We don't work for you or for Tom's Hardware. Nothing happens to any of us if your problem goes unsolved. We are just a random assortment of folks who think they know something about computer sound, and would like to help other people get the whole mess straight the way we have been helped in the past.
Fourth, when you mess with the wrong person on a forum, you can start a "flame war". To "flame" (from the dragon's flame, I've always imagined) is to post a message attacking another poster, much as you have done here. If enzo had retaliated in kind, that would be a flame war. Flame wars are a waste of time, they get people upset, they are a distraction from the purpose of the forum, and they are in fact forbidden under penalty of banishment on many forums. They are also terrific fun, but a pleasure we must forgo. There are newsgroups dedicated to flame warring, if you want to indulge.