Problems with a IBM Deskstar 45 Gig 75 GXP



I recently purchased the IBM 45 Gig Deskstar and my problem is that when i try to Format the drive with my 98 startup disk, it says the drive is only 45MBs. If you have had this problem or know how to fix it i would greatly apreacire the help.
did you try running FDISK to partition and enable FAT32? at dos prompt(using startup disk):fdisk.exe

:tongue: <font color=green> I LOVE INTEL. It tastes like chicken </font color=green>
When I fdisk i do enable the fat 32 support. Then i go to format it says there i 45,97.38. Is that correct or not.
I think it's an issue with fdisk. My sister has the same HD and my girlfriend has the 30GB version. Both have that same "problem" reporting only 45 or 30MB in fdisk but work fine othwerwise.
one quick thought. DOS displays hard drive space in MBs. Are you sure you're reading it right? 45,097.38 MBs is approx. 45 Gigs

:tongue: <font color=green> I LOVE INTEL. It tastes like chicken </font color=green>
I just reinstalled everything on my girlfriends computer 2 weeks ago and it looked like what Kleinwood typed above 20,97.38 (or something similar). I did a double take when I saw that and thought - I know I typed in 20000, not 2000.
If it takes only a couple/few mins to format then its only 2GB, if it takes around 15-20 mins to format then you correctly entered 20GB.