Problems with Memory Settings while OC Q6600


Apr 5, 2009
Hi. I just recently installed some G Skill Memory 4GB DDR2-1066 5-5-5-15. I was going to start OCing my CPU from 2.4 to 3.0 to start out because that's where I was before when I had DDR2-800 memory. Well with only changing FSB frequency to 333 and making memory 1:1 ratio by making the SPD 3.20B, I was getting 3 restarts before my system would post and load Windows. Well, after messing with it for a while and having many frustrations, I've noticed that if I lower the SPD to 2.4B I am getting Windows to load the first time. This seems strange to me because I thought you needed to keep a 1:1 ratio. I don't want to OC my computer and lose memory performance. Can anyone help me out please?
In 1:1 ratio the 800 and 1066 both run exactly the same, so you just wasted $$ if your gonna run 1:1. With the FSB @ 333 your running your ram @ 667, so you might want to read the stickys and learn something before you throw money away.
First off thank you for the reply. I did not buy the 1066 memory to "upgrade" from 800. I did this simply b/c my 800 memory was overheating (had 4 sticks of 1GB and now I have 2 sticks of 2GB with heat spreaders).

I have read the stickies, but found the part about memory very confusing. I think I have understood some things after messing around though. So basically in a 1:1 my memory will run at 2*FSB right? So if I overclocked my Q6600 to FSB = 333 and left the multiplier at 9 then I would have a 3.0GHz OC on CPU and then the memory would be 2*333 = 666 right?

If what I typed is true, here is my question: what is the best way to OC and get the most performance from memory AND CPU? 3.0 GHz is nice, but I don't think underclocking my memory from 1066 to 666 is good use of my equipment. I tried making the memory run at 1066 with the FSB = 333 and my computer would restart 3 times before POST. I don't understand much about moving the voltages, so far I've just left them at auto.

Any help would be appreciative! :)
Running 1:1 means memory is running at twice FSB - DDR2 memory transfers data on both the leading and trailing edges of the FSB clock.

So to run 1:1, you need to set the memory clock to two times the FSB.
just put unlinked and stock speeds, you can go higher OC wit 1066 ram, just make sure you perfect the ram timings, it took me 3 weeks before I could get my 3.6 OC stable and I only had to mess with the timings
You cant get higher OC with 1066 on the q6600 series.

If you want 3.0 set the multi to 7.5 and the FSB to 400, then the ram will run 800, 800 is perfect for a q6600.

u idiot, 1:1 ratio means that the fsb and ram are running at the same frequency, its just that the fsb is quad pumped and the ram is dual pumped (hence dual data rate) eg

1333MHz fsb/4=333MHz fsb:333MHz ram*2=666MHz ram

1:1 ratio----------1333fsb:666ram