Product Key already in use (original purchase)


Dec 6, 2010
I've owned an Asus G56JK laptop for about 8 months now and haven't touched the windows product key from what it shipped with, but today on turning the laptop on I got a message to activate windows, saying the product key is already in use. Nothing hardware-related has changed in months, the only change being the addition of a solid state drive 6 months ago, and the product key shouldn't be in use (legally) on another machine anyway, but the message does not go away. How can I fix this or at least verify if it's a legitimate issue of product key theft or just some registry problem?
you must register you windows key, and when you install new hardware such as SSD it will give you like a 6 month limited use before you have to register, just register over the phone and you should be fine, they porlly alredy saw the other one in use from you previous drive.

I tried that and it said I couldn't use the product key, hence the problem. I tried 3 times to make sure I entered it right.
i would call customer service in that case, and speak to a physical person. if it really is stollen key then you have a right to a new one, do you rember where you bought it might want to hold them accountable for it as well.