Professional confirmation please ? :)


Aug 27, 2013
Hi this is a build for my brother, he won't be overclocking and wants a reliable system that he can eventually put another gtx 980 in sli.
Will only be used for gaming.
Need confirmation for the components whether overkill or not good enough. Although don't mind paying a premium for quality reliable components.

Thank you.

(x2 eventually)GPU: Gigabyte Gtx 980 G1
PSU: Antec High Current Gamer 850w modular
RAM: Corsair Vengeance CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3
CPU: Intel Core i7 4970
SSD: Samsung 850 Pro Series 256GB SSD
MB: ASUS Sabertooth Z97 Mark2 Motherboard
CASE: Corsair Graphite 780T White Full Tower Case

The build looks great, if I did have to make a suggestion, it would be to double your RAM to 16GB. The reason being that games are becoming more resource hungry and RAM is a good place to store high-resolution textures aside from VRAM, thus I have seen some games (Call of Duty Advanced Warfare) use nearly all available RAM (7.8GB used on my 8GB computer).
As Pr3di said, the K variant of the CPU would be another good idea, if budget allows, but I will add that the K versions are the chips that out-perform their rated performance (process is called binning, as in some go in to this bin and some go into that bin based on how they perform), so even if you don't plan to overclock, the K version is a better sample, and I would be willing to...
Proffesional Answer: You have a nice beast there!

You can always tweak some parts to go for more performance or smaller price, but that`s a neverending path.
The only thing you can add (not mandatory, but nice to have) would be a CPU cooler that`s more silent than the default one.

The CM 212 Evo would do a nice job for a non-OC CPU, but if the budget allows and you don`t find it ugly, the Noctua NH-D14 is a cooling beast on air. Corsair H100i if you want watercooling, but I`m already going down the path I was mentioning before.

I`m sure your brother will enjoy this build!

I would personally suggest the little extra money for the K version of the processor. I realise that he will not be doing overclocking, but in a few years time he may want to do so. I find it a tad more futureproof. But i completely agree with you
The build looks great, if I did have to make a suggestion, it would be to double your RAM to 16GB. The reason being that games are becoming more resource hungry and RAM is a good place to store high-resolution textures aside from VRAM, thus I have seen some games (Call of Duty Advanced Warfare) use nearly all available RAM (7.8GB used on my 8GB computer).
As Pr3di said, the K variant of the CPU would be another good idea, if budget allows, but I will add that the K versions are the chips that out-perform their rated performance (process is called binning, as in some go in to this bin and some go into that bin based on how they perform), so even if you don't plan to overclock, the K version is a better sample, and I would be willing to pay the extra 5-10% price difference for that alone.

But that is my opinion, take it as you may.
Your Rig is right at the point where diminishing returns kicks into overdrive mode.

The only thing I *might* change is up that RAM to 16GB total, but since RAM is dead easy to upgrade anyway, you can do it at a later time without much cost.
In my opinion you have a nice rig there. But as said above, I would double RAM up to 16GB, games are memory hungry these days.
If budget is not a problem you can choose a I7 4970k because of the faster clock speeds in stock, if it is, the I7 4970 is more than enough.
If he is going to install many games I would suggest a HDD too (I don't know if you didn't want to mention it), games today need a lot of space.
Thanks everyone, nice suggestions would like to pick them all as the best answer.
Don't think he'd know how to overclock the cpu but might be worth a few more dollars to have it run better and give the option.
He can add more ram if he runs into issues I guess.
As for hdd he insists on external storage for his clutter lol.