Question Program with full backups after x number of differential backups ?


Feb 28, 2012
I currently use the free version of Macrium Reflect as my backup and do a full backup on Monday and differential backups every other day of the week, I have it set to run any missed scheduled backups on next startup but recently I noticed that it hadnt done a full backup for several weeks so is there a backup program that can just count the number of differential backups since the last full backup and after a certain number it then does a full backup?

say for example
Full backup
Then 5 differential backups
Then Full backup

So the full backup isn't tied to a particular day?



"I have it set to run any missed scheduled backups on next startup but recently I noticed that it hadnt done a full backup for several weeks".

What is the reason or reasons for the missed scheduled backups?

Consider that the missed backups are the root problem and address that root problem first.

Update your post to include more information about the actual backup SOP's in place and specifically what goes astray (or went astray) when backups were missed.

Human error?

Procedural error?

Hardware failure?

Something else?


Feb 28, 2012
I have it set to run a full backup on Monday and if I dont turn my computer on on Monday then turn it on on Tuesday after the time of the scheduled backup on Tuesday it will do the Tuesday diff backup and the Monday full backup gets forgotten


I have it set to run a full backup on Monday and if I dont turn my computer on on Monday then turn it on on Tuesday after the time of the scheduled backup on Tuesday it will do the Tuesday diff backup and the Monday full backup gets forgotten
Macrium should be schedulable to run the Full on your schedule. Even after a missed one.


Feb 28, 2012
I have it set to run if missed, but it seems if it misses 2 scheduled backup times then it only runs the latest one, which in my case would be a diff not full backup.

This is half user error because I don't have my computer on at the scheduled time, but I'm just looking for a solution that doesn't mean I have to change my random computer usage


Macrium can also be run using a command line.


You could easily create a shortcut icon to go into DOS Command Prompt or Powershell to run the command line.

Simple single line using the applicable switches. (See "Running a Backup" in the link.)

If you have missed a scheduled full backup time, then click the shortcut icon to start the full backup.

Another option may be to use Task Scheduler. Depending on conditions that you set, the command line would be triggered to do a full backup.

Likely to become complicated for lack of some specific flag to check regarding the last full backup date/time.

Would probably involve parsing some Macrium log regarding the last/lastest backup action that completed. Then some comparison of the action date to system time and date. Again, could become complicated.....

My recommendation is to simply try the shortcut icon approach for awhile.

Determine how well (or not) that works out and then revise as necessary.

Likely to be doable in a number of ways the more I think about it.

You have options and other ideas may be suggested.