Protection on copying a CD



Hello folks!
I worked hard on a multimedia presentation CD, in Macromedia Flash. I intend to replicate my CD and to sell it, some 1000 pieces. My question is how to make impossible to copy the original CD (for a normal user), to the HDD or to another blank CD?
Thank you in advance.
You have to realize that NO copy protection will ever be "impossible to copy"! All you can do is make it a hugh pain in the ass. Sorry but I don't have enough experience in making your own CD protected to give you an answer that I feel confortable with.

Please do not pee in the gene pool!
You can check out <A HREF="" target="_new">Roxxe's Cd Protection.</A>

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<A HREF="" target="_new">heres a link </A>to a site which may help with the protection

<A HREF="" target="_new">heres a link </A>to a site with lots of different commercial protection schemes explained