PS3 Owner Gets $100 Rebate for Losing Linux

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In EU you are in a purchase contract agreement with the retailer and not with the manufacturer. That's the reason for the rebate offered by Amazon. Amazon will have to play this game with Sony for the reimbursment.
[citation][nom]jsm6746[/nom]the media are blowing this out of proportion (like usual) and the public are bleating like a bunch of mindless sheep...[/citation]
Out of proportion? I don't see this plastered all over the front page news, so no, it's not out of f*cking proportion. This is a TECH SITE, and techies don't like it when techie features get axed.
If the consumer bought the PS3 from Amazon, then Amazon is liable for the refund. It is then up to Amazon to pursue a reimbursement from Sony.
[citation][nom]jsm6746[/nom]the media are blowing this out of proportion (like usual) and the public are bleating like a bunch of mindless sheep...[/citation]

Mindless Sheep bent over and just took it. People who think freely and know their rights take action. I wonder where you fit in. Actually Im not wondering I know. Your comment explained it all.
[citation][nom]e-rock[/nom]Man they pay a lot of taxes over there.[/citation]
Coming soon to the USSA (United Socialist States of America if Obummer and his commie loving cohorts in DC get their way.
well for the time being i have found something to bypass this update. I re-posted it on my site here's the link

follow this and you'll be good to go at least until Sony requires at least 3.21 for there games or until they restore the feature
[citation][nom]chomlee[/nom]The problem is that a situation has now been created to say. "Hey if anyone bought the PS3 to use it for Linux we will sue Sony". I would guess that there were truthfully up to several thousand people who bought the PS3 because of Linux (there truely isn't much you can do with it compared to a pc Linux version). If only those people sued, it would be fine. The problem is that now everyone (millions) will come out of the woodwork and demand their 100 dollars (99.999% of which haven't even touched Linux), and not even care of how it will affect Sony and future developement. People think that companies have limitless amounts of money, but they dont. The only result of all of this is that if it got really big, it would cripple Sony and make some greedy scumbag lawyer really really rich.[/citation]

If they broke the law, it doesn't really matter if the person had used linux or not.

They broke the law.

I hope EVERY single person sues them for their 100$ (on what is already overpriced...)

Will it hurt Sony? Not like you think it will, not really in their pockets. More just pr business
The PS3 was never intended for use as a full blown PC. Sony didn't even charge anyone for the privilege of running Linux. The "Other OS" option was just a free bonus feature. I don't know why people are complaining so much about this. I guess they're too cheap to buy a real PC that can actually get some real work done under Linux.
[citation][nom]babybeluga[/nom]The healthcare[/citation]
The healthcare tax in Germany is about 15% of ones salary, 250 euros max (same amount is payed by the employer). This covers the whole familiy. But that's for public ensurance. Private is generally cheaper for _single_ people with salary higher than 50k Euros who don't have a large family.
[citation][nom]babybeluga[/nom]The healthcare[/citation]I'd rather pay higher taxes for my excellent healthcare system than get denied coverage :)
It is good, Amazon will take the initial hit... but they will simply drop to product or demand Sony take responsibility. Worst case scenario Sony will deny any responsibility and amazon will just get screwed and be forced to change the PS3 listing to account for the no OS support.

boo Sony.
[citation][nom]chomlee[/nom] The problem is that now everyone (millions) will come out of the woodwork and demand their 100 dollars (99.999% of which haven't even touched Linux), and not even care of how it will affect Sony and future developement. People think that companies have limitless amounts of money, but they dont. The only result of all of this is that if it got really big, it would cripple Sony and make some greedy scumbag lawyer really really rich.[/citation]

agree with you here, but I also think its unethical to do what Sony did with ant product.
[citation][nom]mlopinto2k1[/nom]Tom's, you are going to start a snowball effect by posting this article. Now everyone and their grandmother is gonna go to Amazon looking for rebates. You realize this, don't you? Would that have any repercussion on you?[/citation]
You are a complete jackass.
[citation][nom]techguy378[/nom]The PS3 was never intended for use as a full blown PC. Sony didn't even charge anyone for the privilege of running Linux. The "Other OS" option was just a free bonus feature. I don't know why people are complaining so much about this. I guess they're too cheap to buy a real PC that can actually get some real work done under Linux.[/citation]
It doesn't matter what their intentions were at the time of release. It was an advertised feature, not a bonus. What you're saying would be like Windows doesn't intend for you to use Media Player, it is just a free bonus. Dumb ass.
if you wanna blame anyone blame the guys who backdoored the psn with linux on the ps3 they made tux look bad too sony just cut thier losses and yea it suxx i had yellow dog on my ps3 but anyone could lookup how to backdoor the psn with linux on ps3 its not hard and they dont want virtual copies of games sold for no profit
[citation][nom]techguy378[/nom]The PS3 was never intended for use as a full blown PC. Sony didn't even charge anyone for the privilege of running Linux. The "Other OS" option was just a free bonus feature. I don't know why people are complaining so much about this. I guess they're too cheap to buy a real PC that can actually get some real work done under Linux.[/citation]

you know that this was a huge marketing point right? so much so that $ony was very close to having Linux reinstalled on the system they marked it as a computer as well as a gaming system and ppl who bought it cause of that should get what they paid for. this is like Wii Removing motion sensing support and saying that it was an ad on feature i mean sure the system wil still work just fine but what about all the ppl that bought it for motion sensing?

[citation][nom]babybeluga[/nom]The healthcare[/citation]
we still pay a minimum of 60 euros/month ontop of that. but i have not had to pay more than a total of 40 euros a year in other additional charges and im CONSTANTLY going to the doctor/hospital/physio for sports related injuries 🙁 (lol)

it's a good system...but if u look at the total...taxes,'s quite normal.

as far as getting a refund from Amazon...i think it's a good thing, because Sony did just that: remove a feature u (might have) bought the item for.

image Mercedes decide to disable air conditioning in their vehicles as of the next firmware upgrade (yes, fancy cars have firmware) ... you'd take ur car back or ask for compensation. same thing.
[citation][nom]Kryan[/nom]image Mercedes decide to disable air conditioning in their vehicles as of the next firmware upgrade (yes, fancy cars have firmware) ... you'd take ur car back or ask for compensation. same thing.[/citation]

exactly. even if you never used the air conditioning you'd still be loosing something you paid for
[citation][nom]techguy378[/nom]The PS3 was never intended for use as a full blown PC. Sony didn't even charge anyone for the privilege of running Linux. The "Other OS" option was just a free bonus feature. I don't know why people are complaining so much about this. I guess they're too cheap to buy a real PC that can actually get some real work done under Linux.[/citation]

Don't you get it a normal pc CANNOT do what a ps3 can for same price, many scientist use the ps3 to save money on research such as medical and astronomy the ps3 price per flop at these computations is much cheaper than buying a 48 core computer at $18,000 us.

There are more than you think that use this many universities in the US use ps3 clusters to do all sorts of important research.
Lol I saw this coming. I even knew about that law. How could Sony overlook this?
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