In regards to the comment about games not using the CPU as much anymore for PC's. This is true, games are now optimised to be heavily GPU oriented because that grants a favorable performance curve. Also, someone mentioned that "who the hell would use 7 cores anyway!". In response to both of these statements I ask the following questions. If you were writing a programming language for a console with a 7 core CPU, wouldnt you make it so that more computing was done using the multiple cores than current games are on PC's?
If you compare a PC to the PS3 in terms of pure gaming, the PS3 is the undeniable champ, at least in regards to performance per dollar. The code for the PS3 is optimised for its setup, so it doesnt matter if pc games are GPU focused, they don't compare this way. Game designers for console's have the ability to create graphics that fit the hardware perfectly, whereas for PC's they have to modify the code in order to comply with hundreds of different rigs so that the most number of people can play the game. Economic's is what slows the PC gaming industry down, no game designer will make a game that can only run on $12,000.00 Falcon Northwest wet dream machines! This is why it is very reasonable to say that on average, the PS3 will out perform in pure gaming power, most pc's for 18-24 months. If rumors of being able to run linux on PS3's is true than we can really see what the cell can do. The cell, as a concept, the the processor that show what mainstream Proc's will be doing over the next few years. From 4x4 to QXXXX each show that even if games don't take advantage of multiple cores, the advantages are prevalent. Now just imagine if games did take advantage of all the cores, what if there were, say, 7 of them, and lets say that the GPU was an RSX, wouldn't that be something! Suffice to say, consoles inspire the gaming industry to grow, they are what create innovation and better graphics in the gaming world. If not for consoles pushing developers to make games look better than all the games we'd play would be simple and cheap. Consoles let a bar be set for artists to reach, a higher level of gameplay, and an ever more interactive world to play in.
Take some time to reflect back onto what started it all. The economics of gaming plays a pivital role in how it has developed and excelled. As a last note, PC's will be limited by their success, everybody has one, but not all are equal, if you want to sell a game to as close to 100% of PC owners as possible you will limit the outcome to whatever has the lowest risk and highest gain. Consoles are mearly a challenge of utilizing the hardware to the highest degree possible, that is why the PS3 will at least match or out perform nearly all pc's for years to come.
I am a pc user, i don't use consoles, but I am objective about this. The PS3/X360 prove that pure gaming is affordable and offers performance that would cost far less than what a pc could do for the same price (speaking purely of gaming of course). You pay a price for a limitless machine that is a PC, but you pay far less for a limited machine geared for gaming.