
Depends on what you taste in games are and what controller you are more comfortable with.

With PS3 you get a Blueray player, free online (PSN) and the option to install higher capacity HHDs.

The Xbox 360 uses the HD DVD format which is faster than blueray in terms of reading data of the disc, you are required to get Xbox live gold to do most things like use Youtube or IE which means money, you also need microsft points to buy things although i think microsft might have switched to real money instead, the biggest capacity hard drive you can get is 320GB.

Each consoles also has its own 'exclusive games'.

Like the PS3 has uncharted, killzone, little big planet, gran turismo and the Xbox has halo, forza, fable, you can find a full list of them here -

And don't listen to fanboys and their claims, its about what you like, not what they like.

If you plan on playing with friends, get the same console they have so that you can play together. Other than that, either console will give you hours of enjoyment. I prefer the PS3 because of it's builtin blu-ray, user replaceable hard drive, and free playstaion network.


Apr 18, 2011
Playstation Network is free but its information is sometimes hacked and compromised. Xbox360 online costs money.

PS3 does 1080p resolution in some games (but the gameplay is just upscaled 720p, leaving the 1080p actually looking fuzzy and less clear than if it were 720). Xbox 360 can only play in 720p.

PS3 has the option for some larger aftermarket HDD's.

Xbox has Forza, Gears of War and Halo. PS3 has Gran Turismo, Uncharted, and the core Metal Gear Solid saga which has another sequel coming.

It's up to you to choose which you prefer.


Nov 19, 2012
Get xbox 360. Cons - gold membership and some games have multiple discs. Gran Turismo is garbage. Forza is clearly best racing exclusive. It take them 5 years to make GT5 and it still wasn't that good. Forza only needed one year to go from forza 4 to forza horizon. Halo and Gears of War is such a good series. Halo 4 best shooter in 2012. Kinect is so much better than PS move. Pretty sure xbox 360 is more popular than ps3 in north america.


Apr 18, 2011

To be honest, GT was pretty good, and the new Forza fell off almost instantly. The world just didn't care about that game. It didn't do enough things right.


Mar 28, 2013
Hi I've played games since I was 5 and I'm 34 now I've always been a hardcore gamer I have both ps3 and Xbox360 I have more games on my xbox360 and I only got the ps3 from ones that were exclusive mainly or if the games are made better for the ps3 then I would get it on that. As far as the pad goes though I prefer the xbox360 pad, its analogue sticks are in perfect unison harmoney with each other for 1st 3rd and any shooter games out there, basically anything that uses the analogue sticks are better on the 360. The ps3 pad is mainly for fighting games, with quarter circle motions and the like.

Imo I would get the 360 if you could only buy one. I realize this message is a bit late and you've probably made your choice but I wanted to get this out and if people are browsing they would see my post last as I'm a no nonsense gamer and all you get is 100% truth from me and I do my research with hands on experience. Wish they would just combine the consoles to save me trouble from googleing the differences between same game on different consoles. Xbox360 wins based on the pad alone its more comfortable for many hours and has the best 1st 3rd person or any shooter gaming experience.


Jan 18, 2013

Just a correction: The Xbox 360 uses a DVD drive, not an HD DVD drive


Mar 28, 2013

What is a necro? I figured since Google saves its history why not part my knowledge onto a thread regardless of age and have people 10 years from now read it lol



Jan 25, 2012
Necro = Bringing up an old topic that has been inactive for a long period of time.

If you wanted to impart your knowledge it been a lot more better to create your own topic to discuss it and not to necro some one else's old thread. Just saying.

As for the xbox? Any xbox? I would say that i would not own one. They are notorious for breaking down. I have a family member that runs a video store. He use to buy old broken xbox's and 360's and send them off to be fixed then resell them. The problem? They kept being returned to his store as well as after a while microsoft said they would not accept any more to be repaired because they receive so many broken ones on average. Add to that that not very many Japanese ports makes the 360 the last system i'd ever buy. Especially since most of the games are also on pc what be the point?


Mar 28, 2013
Thanks I will remember your necro for the future, though regarding faulty consoles miss treated Xbox360's will always break down same with ps3 I have xbox360 Elite 2nd gen black model no wifi I treat really well I have played over 70 games on it and hours each day, I have had no problems with them, I think a lot of gamers don't know how to treat their hardware as well as me, also they might have bad hardware I was probably lucky to get a good manufacture model. I'm sure more 360's white version break down than the older ps3's but they fixed this in the elites, if they still break down unlucky for some, my brothers ps3 also broke down and because of that gave up playing any Sony console ever again. good luck everyone on getting a decent kit and treating it good. maybe its my climate that helps it run well, its either cool or cold in my room almost all the time except when summer hits and then its around 30oC.

I personally think its a conspiracy from both microsoft and Sony to have their hardware last as long as until they release a specific game bug which causes the hardware to overheat for instance my gpu was cooked in white xbox360 when i played fable 2 that destroyed my xbox360 kept freezing in the game and crashing and then the xbox just died a dozen reboots after. Always the console would crash playing that game, and no other game crashed the system like that. Its just a gut feeling i have, I always trust my feelings they haven't failed me.


Jun 27, 2013
I prefer the xbox 360 over the ps3, I can see why people are for ps3 over xbox 360, but I am just used to xbox360 and been using it for so long, I still play ps3 titles though.

heres an article you should read on this site,